“blaze broke out at 2:22 a.m. Sunday”
Order out of Chaos = 222heat = 16
Jesuitize = 43
Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD); LAFD = 14. dead = 14
Catholic Church = 75
Roman Catholic = 75
Jesuit coadjutors = 75 / 222. Jesuits = 50
American = 64. mainstream media = 64. Synagogue of Satan = 64. Thelema = 64. Zion = 64. Jesuitism = 64https://ktla.com/news/local-news/3-firefighters-injured-as-los-angeles-church-goes-up-in-flames/
Fire destroys historic South L.A. church = 169 / 205 / 191 / 421 / 470 / 2,039
Thelema = 169
Fire destroys historic South L.A. church = 191
Los Angeles Fire Department arson unit = 191
Society of Jesus = 191
191 is the 43rd prime number
Freemasons = 43
Masonic = 43
421 is the 82nd prime number
Agent = 47. Authority = 47. Gavel = 47. Government = 47. Judge = 47. Obey = 47
Mafia = 47. President = 47. Republican = 47. White House = 47. D.C. = 47. Vatican = 47
Foundation = 47. Framework = 47. Time = 47. Vibration = 47
Date numerology: 9/11/2022 = 9+11+20+22 = 62
smoldering = 62
intense fires = 62
the Jesuits = 62
Mason = 62
September 11, 2022 leaves a span of 111 days left remaining in the year
This Victory Baptist Church is being investigated as an “arson investigation”
arson investigation = 111
It is also a span of 3 months and 20 days, like 320
arson = 32
water = 32
span of 15 weeks and 6 days later, like 156
Fire destroys historic South L.A. church = 156 (Septenary)
Arson is defined as the Intentional burning of property
Intentional burning of property = 156
one of the firefighters needed to be rescued when the ceiling collapsed
collapsed = 33 / 156
thirty-three = 156
masonry = 33
This fire happened early Sunday morning
Sunday = 33
South L.A. = 33
video time frame of 2:21, (1 second cut-off from 2:22)
the Bavarian Illuminati = 221
Order out of Chaos = 222
3 firefighters hurt as historic Los Angeles church is engulfed in flames = 303 / 672
arson unit = 672 (reverse Sumerian)
“The firefighters…had to cut away material that had trapped (a crew) member when the ceiling and the walls collapsed on him.”
walls collapsed fire department
the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD)