
154 258 338 440 | Alisal Fire: 101 Freeway remains closed north of Santa Barbara as wildfire grows to 15,400 acres, October 13, 2021

Video time frame of 02:58, like 258. High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) = 258
Weather modification warfare is real; has been admitted by the U.S. Government for quite a while,
one example being ‘cloud seeding’, ‘Operation-Popeye’ during the Vietnam War

13,400 acres reportedly burned from the blaze . . .
Tisha B’Av = 134 (destruction of the temples, symbolism . . .)
grown to 15,442 acres reportedly . . .
15 = fifteen = 38 (Fire)
Burn = 442

currently stands at 14,500 acres . . . Catholic = 145
five = 24 (winds) 24 square miles reported / 42 (Freemason) / 66 (drive flames)
13 . . . a fateful number, 13th prime is 41 (King number)
Broadcasting = 113. Bullshit = 113. Dishonest = 113. disinfo = 113. Fiction = 113
Green screen = 113. illusions = 113. Logistics = 113. Mainstream = 113
1:00 P.M. in the afternoon is 1300 hours
This AlisalFire is near Los Angeles, L = 12, A = 1, L + A =, 12 + 1 = 13
forces evacuations = 101. Church = 101. Assassin = 101


Kill = 44

The title of this article read ‘Alisal Fire: 101 Freeway remains closed north of Santa Barbara as wildfire grows to 15,400 acres’

rough terrain = 154
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) = 154
United States of America (U.S.A.) = 154
ninety three = 154
Saturn = 93

Ionospheric Research Instrument = 154

154 258 338 440 | Alisal Fire: 101 Freeway remains closed north of Santa Barbara as wildfire grows to 15,400 acres, October 13, 2021 Read More »

114 138 156 159 220 | Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner has died, October 12, 2021


  Brian Goldner was the chief executive officer of the American toy and media company Hasbro.


thirty-three = 156. Prostate = 33. Powers = 33. Police = 33. Mafia = 33. Masonry = 33

black man = 159. New Testament = 159. Resurrection = 159. Scottish Rite = 159



The Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner recently stepped away on a medical leave.


Order 322, Skull & Bones, Masonic = 223
223 is the reflection of 322, Ancient Mystery Religions = 322. Military Industrial Complex = 322


241 is the 53rd prime number. Vesica Piscis = 53


Dead at the age of 58, CEO = 58. Freemasonry = 58


Brian Goldner was the chief executive officer of the American toy and media company Hasbro.

From Brian Goldner’s death (10/12/21) leaves exactly 81 days left remaining in the year.
Jesuit World Order = 81

This also leaves exactly 2 months and 20 days left in the year, like 220

Lastly, this leaves exactly 11 weeks and 4 days, like 114
Goldner = 114. Jesuit World Order (JWO) = 114

114 is the reflection of 411

knowledge = 411. numerical = 411

Freemason = 411. Assassin = 411

Recall that JFK was supposedly shot from 411 Elm Street

114 138 156 159 220 | Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner has died, October 12, 2021 Read More »

27 40 45 63 101 154 308 | 101 Fwy shut down north of Santa Barbara as Alisal Fire grows to 6,000 acres, forces evacuations, October 12, 2021


The fire started at 2:30 P.M.  Winds = 23

Powers = 33. Police = 33. Mafia = 33. Masonry = 33

 Freemasonic = 369

Order out of Chaos = 75. New World Order = 75

New World Order = 174




Article updated at 6:03 P.M., like 63
Freemasonic = 63
Date numerology: 10/12/2021 = 10+12+20+21 = 63

Date numerology: 10/12/2021 = 10+12+21 = 43
strong gust = 43
gusty = 43
Civil War = 43
Freemasons = 43

the Alisal Fire




Remember that this new recent fire has been dubbed the ‘Alisal Fire.’
Date numerology: 10/12/2021 = 1+0+1+2+20+21 = 45
Alisal = 45
IRI = 45

Date numerology: 10/12/2021 = 10+12+2+0+2+1 = 27
This fire is named the ‘Alisal fire.’
ritual = 27
Alisal = 27

IRI = 27


US-101 remains closed in both directions of travel from Winchester to SR-1 due to the #AlisalFire, with no ETA to reopen.

This happened on the 101 freeway.
forces evacuations = 101
Church = 101
Assassin = 101

Alternate routes are SR-154 and I-5. Expect heavier than normal traffic.

rough terrain = 154
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) = 154
United States of America (U.S.A.) = 154
ninety three = 154
Saturn = 93

Ionospheric Research Instrument = 154

Weather manipulation / modification warfare on the people.

27 40 45 63 101 154 308 | 101 Fwy shut down north of Santa Barbara as Alisal Fire grows to 6,000 acres, forces evacuations, October 12, 2021 Read More »

351 369 396 405 | Windy weather pummels Southern California, leaving trees down and power out to thousands, October 12, 2021







Date numerology: 10/12/2021 = 1+0+1+2+20+21 = 45


The most prominent instrument at HAARP is the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), a high-power radio frequency transmitter facility operating in the high frequency (HF) band.

The IRI is used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere.


The Ionospheric Research Instrument, a high power transmitter facility operating in the High Frequency range.

The IRI can be used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere for scientific study.

Date numerology: 10/12/2021 = 1+0+1+2+20+21 = 45

Windy weather following suit as reported.

351 369 396 405 | Windy weather pummels Southern California, leaving trees down and power out to thousands, October 12, 2021 Read More »

177 184 | Jon Gruden resigns as Las Vegas Raiders head coach, October 11, 2021




Powers = 77


From Jon Gruden’s birthday (8/17/21) to his resignation today (10/12/21) is a span of 56 days
Coronavirus = 56. U.S. Government = 56. Washington D.C. = 56. Society of Jesus = 56

It is also a span of 1 month and 25 days, like 125
Thelema = 125

span of 8 weeks, 8 weeks is equivalent to 17 weeks and 7 days, like 177
the Jesuit Order = 177

177 184 | Jon Gruden resigns as Las Vegas Raiders head coach, October 11, 2021 Read More »

56 263 308 331 | Families remember loved ones on Battle of Passchendaele anniversary, October 12, 2021


 263 is the 56th prime number
Coronavirus = 56. U.S. Government = 56. Washington D.C. = 56. Society of Jesus = 56


331 is the 67th prime number. Freemasonry =67

Southland man John Davidson


the First Battle of Passchendaele, the Second Battle of Passchendaele and the Third Battle of Ypres


56 263 308 331 | Families remember loved ones on Battle of Passchendaele anniversary, October 12, 2021 Read More »

58 241 271 296 | Huntington Beach reopening after oil spill shut it down last week, October 11, 2021

Video time frame of 02:41, like 241, 241 is the 53rd prime number. the Pacific = 53. Vesica Piscis = 53

126,000 gallons of oil spilled reportedly, oil slick = 126. oil ritual = 126 https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/11/us/california-oil-spill-huntington-beach/index.html



271 is the 58th prime number
This major oil spill happened in Huntington Beach, Southern California located in the Pacific Ocean.

Officials report that 5,544 gallons of oil have been recovered supposedly.
That would make a rough estimation of 5,600 gallons of oil.
oil toxins = 56
the US Coast Guard = 56
U.S. Government = 56
Washington D.C. = 56
Jesuit riddles = 56
Society of Jesus = 56

58 241 271 296 | Huntington Beach reopening after oil spill shut it down last week, October 11, 2021 Read More »

73 139 361 379 442 1160 | Power shutoffs possible for SoCal Edison customers amid high winds, elevated fire danger, October 11, 2021

Video time frame of 01:39, like 139
139 is the 34th prime number. Freemasonry = 139. outages = 34. SCE Corp = 34

This tweet  by the SCE was posted at 8:00 A.M. October 11, 2021
‘driving conditions’ equals 800 in the Satanic Gematria cipher



379 is the 75th prime number
New World Order = 75. Order out of Chaos = 75

I spy a 42 in the 442 . . .

Date numerology: 10/11/2021 = 10+11+21 = 42
knowledge = 42. history = 42. war = 42. Zionism = 42. Freemason = 42

Date numerology: 10/11/2021 = 1+0+1+1+20+21 = 44
kill = 44. SoCal Edison = 44

Date numerology: 10/11/2021 = 10+11+2+0+2+1 = 26
Lie = 26. Torah = 26. Mason = 26

Date numerology: 10/11/2021 = 10+11+20+21 = 62
SoCal Edison = 62
Torah = 62
Mason = 62

73 139 361 379 442 1160 | Power shutoffs possible for SoCal Edison customers amid high winds, elevated fire danger, October 11, 2021 Read More »

56 411 504 511 | NFL teams were 401-0 in Super Bowl era when scoring 40 points w/o a turnover. With Brown’s loss, now 401-1, October 10, 2021


Assassin = 56. Coronavirus = 56. Prophetic = 56. U.S. Government = 56. Washington D.C. = 56

This is UNREAL. = 56 / 79
the Super Bowl = 56
Unreal = 71 / 91
Browns = 71 / 91
Catholic = 71
the Society of Jesus = 71 / 79 / 91

Entering Sunday afternoon, NFL teams were 401-0 in the Super Bowl era when scoring 40 points in a game without committing a turnover.
401 looks like 41 when dropping the 0, 41, the ‘King’ number
NFLonCBS = 41. Super Bowl = 41
401 is the 79th prime number. Murder = 79

Following the Browns loss, that number is now 401-1., like 411
Browns loss = 114, the reflection of 411

knowledge = 411. numerical = 411

Freemason = 411. Assassin = 411

Recall that JFK was supposedly shot from 411 Elm Street


This tweet by NFLonCBS was posted at 5:11 P.M., October 10, 2021, date written 10/10

Revelation = 1010

56 411 504 511 | NFL teams were 401-0 in Super Bowl era when scoring 40 points w/o a turnover. With Brown’s loss, now 401-1, October 10, 2021 Read More »