
38 319 337 751 | Southern California could face most dangerous fire weather yet over holiday, November 24, 2021

‘San Diego Gas & Electric is also considering power shutoffs for more than 43,000 customers.’
Freemasons = 43. Masonic = 43
‘more than 151,000 customers in six counties’,  151 is the 36th prime number.  Masons = 36


Freemasonic = 319

337 is the 68th prime number
(by tradition coffins are lowered into their graves which are 6 feet deep by 8 feet long, like 68, like the term ’86ed’)


751 is the 133rd prime number
Federal Bureau of Investigation = 133. Government = 133. White House = 133


From the date of this article leaves exactly 38 days left remaining in the year
Fire = 38

38 319 337 751 | Southern California could face most dangerous fire weather yet over holiday, November 24, 2021 Read More »

63 306 774 | 2 people critically injured in shooting outside Westfield Southcenter Mall, November 24, 2021

Video time frame of 00:56. Coronavirus = 56. U.S. Government = 56. Washington D.C. = 56
Freemasons = 56. Society of Jesus = 56
Date numerology: 11/24/2021 = 11+24+21 = 56


Masons = 36

The shooting occurred on Nov. 24 around 6:30 p.m. outside the JC Penny, police say.
Die = 63
Freemasonic = 63
Jesuit Order = 63

Today’s date Wednesday, November 24, 2021 is written as 11/24 or 24/11
24/11 . . 2,411 is the 358th prime number

Incident = 358


Tukwila Police


Today leaves exactly 38 days left remaining in the year, perfect for a murder
Death = 38

Also leaves exactly 1 month and 8 days left, 18
Masons = 18

Remainder of 5 weeks and 3 days left in the year exactly, like 53
divide = 53. Vesica Piscis = 53

Date numerology: 11/24/2021 = 11+24+2+0+2+1 = 40
Freemasonic = 40 (Septenary)
Jesuits = 40

63 306 774 | 2 people critically injured in shooting outside Westfield Southcenter Mall, November 24, 2021 Read More »

138 181 197 199 | Woman found dead along Highway 138 in the Cajon Pass, November 22, 2021

a woman was found dead along Highway 138 . . . Federal = 138. Homicide = 138

supposedly happened at about 4:47 . . .
Date numerology: 11/22/2021 = 1+1+2+2+20+21 = 47

Agent = 47. Authority = 47. Gavel = 47. Government = 47. Judge = 47. Obey = 47
Mafia = 47. President = 47. Republican = 47. White House = 47. D.C. = 47

Foundation = 47. Framework = 47. Time = 47. Vibration = 47


181 is the 42nd prime number.  Freemason = 42. Jesuit = 42
Victorville Police Department (VPD), VPD = 42

Los Angeles, California = 197
197 is the 45th prime number. warfare = 45. Geometry = 45. Holy Bible = 45

199 is the 46th prime number.  Sacrifice = 46. Catholic = 46

San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department

Date numerology: 11/22/2021 = 11+22+2+0+2+1 = 38
Killing = 38
Death = 38

Date numerology: 11/22/2021 = 11+22+21 = 54
Jesuit Order = 54

Date numerology: 11/22/2021 = 11+22+20+21 = 74
cross = 74. English = 74. Gematria = 74. Jesus = 74. Jewish = 74. Killing = 74. Parables = 74
U.S. Government = 74. Masonic = 74

138 181 197 199 | Woman found dead along Highway 138 in the Cajon Pass, November 22, 2021 Read More »

38 266 294 309 318 | Ric Flair would ‘rather die in the ring’ than spend another month in ICU, November 17, 2021

Superstars = 39. Retire = 39
7 divided by 22 = 0.318 ~ repeating, the inverse of 3.14 ~ Pi, seasons, cycles, circles etc.

88 . . a number that represents time . . .


the quote that is emphasized is ‘rather die in the ring’

the Jesuit World Order = 111

the Jesuit World Order = 105. Masonry = 105



Ric Flair’s real name is Richard Morgan Fliehr


From Ric Flair’s birthday (2/25/21) to this article publication date (11/17/21) is exactly 266 days

Iesus Hominum Salvator = 266

It is also a span of 38 weeks
Superstar = 38
Death = 38

From the article date to Ric Flair’s next birthday (2/25/22) is a span of 100 days

It is also a span of 3 months and 8 days, like 38, exactly 39 counting the end date
Superstar = 38
Death = 38
Retire = 39

Bottom right hand corner shows a span of 14 weeks and 2 days, like 142, 143 counting the end date
142 . . . like 14/2 . . like the date February 14th . . . ie. Valentine’s Day Massacre, killing etc.
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry = 143

The upcoming Wrestlemania 38 will, like the last previous two Wrestlemanias, be a two day event, taking place on April 2 and 3, 2022

From this article date (11/17/21) to Wrestlemania 38 (4/2/22) is a span of 136 days, 137 counting the end date
the Jesuits = 136
Superstar = 137
137 is the 33rd prime number
Mafia = 33. Masonry = 33
Date numerology: 11/17/2021 = 11+17+2+0+2+1 = 33
thirty-three =156
World Wrestling Entertainment = 156
The Wrestlers are NOT referred to as . . wrestlers but as ‘Superstar’s
Superstars = 156

It is also a span of 19 weeks and 3 days away, like 193
Entertainment = 193
193 is the 44th prime number
Kill = 44

Date numerology: 11/17/2021 = 1+1+1+7+20+21 = 51
Conspiracy = 51
WWE = 51
Freemason = 51

Date numerology: 11/17/2021 = 11+17+20+21 = 69
Catholic Church = 69

foreshadowing of Ric Flair . . . .

38 266 294 309 318 | Ric Flair would ‘rather die in the ring’ than spend another month in ICU, November 17, 2021 Read More »

116 254 281 | Six Armenian troops confirmed killed in action on November 16, 2021

Time = 254


281 is the 60th prime number.   Roman Catholic = 60


Article posted at 10:41
41 is known as the ‘King’ number

The death of six Armenian troops comes on the 320th day of the year
Roman Catholic Church = 320

Also on the 10th month, 16th day of the year, like 1016, 116
The date of this killing comes on November 16, 2021, date written 11/16 or 16/11
the Roman Catholic Church = 116

Bottom right hand corner will reflect the 45th week and 5th day of the year, 455
Nine Eleven = 455
Father Time = 455

The day of the killing leaves exactly 46 days left in the year
Sacrifice = 46

This day also leaves exactly 1 month and 16 days left remaining in the year, like 116
the Roman Catholic Church = 116

Bottom right hand corner will show that this leaves exactly 6 weeks and 4 days left in the year, 64
America = 64. Israel = 64. Zion = 64.  Synagogue of Satan = 64


Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 11+16+20+21 = 68
(by tradition coffins are lowered into their graves which are 6 feet deep by 8 feet long, like 68, like the term ’86ed’)

116 254 281 | Six Armenian troops confirmed killed in action on November 16, 2021 Read More »

177 211 607 | 177 lawsuits filed two weeks after deadly Astroworld tragedy, November 20, 2021

211 is the 47th prime number

Agent = 47. Authority = 47. Gavel = 47. Government = 47. Judge = 47. Obey = 47
Mafia = 47. President = 47. Republican = 47. White House = 47. D.C. = 47

Foundation = 47. Framework = 47. Time = 47. Vibration = 47

The family of Danish Baig, 27, said he was killed while saving his fiancee’s life. Ritual = 27

Danish Baig


607 looks like 67 when you drop the 0, Freemasonry = 67
607 is the 111th prime number.   the Jesuit World Order = 111

177 lawsuits filed two weeks after deadly Astroworld tragedy

177 211 607 | 177 lawsuits filed two weeks after deadly Astroworld tragedy, November 20, 2021 Read More »

61 113 226 338 860 | 3 shot, 1 dead outside the Mall of Victor Valley in Victorville, November 19, 2021

Video time frame 00:21 seconds long,  Jesuit = 21

Shooting near Victorville mall kills 1, injures 2: Police = 216 / 270 / 666
Jesuit World Order = 216
216 = 6 x 6 x 6 = 666 (reverse way of reaching 666)
Prophecy = 666

Ritual = 27


Death = 38

(by tradition coffins are lowered into their graves which are 6 feet deep by 8 feet long, like 68, like the term ’86ed’)


two hundred twenty six = 93.  Saturn = 93


San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department


Victorville Police Department



Victorville, California, United States of America



The day of this shooting (11/19/21) leaves exactly 43 days left in the year
Freemasons = 43. Masonic = 43

This day also leaves 1 month and 13 days left remaining as well

Broadcasting = 113. Bullshit = 113. Dishonest = 113. disinfo = 113. Fiction = 113
Green screen = 113. illusions = 113. Logistics = 113. Mainstream = 113
One World Government = 113. Operation = 113

Scottish = 113 (like the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry)

*Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a gentile

113 is the 30th prime number
Jesuit = 30

Lastly, on the bottom right hand corner you will see that this leaves exactly 6 weeks and 1 day left in the year
This all happened in the city of Victorville, California

shopping mall = 61
Freemasons = 61. Roman = 61. Church = 61
6 weeks and 1 day is equivalent to 5 weeks and 8 days, like 58
Catholic Church = 58 (Septenary)
Freemasonry = 58


Date numerology: 11/19/2021 = 11+19+20+21 = 71
Jesuit World Order = 71 (Septenary)
Church = 71

71 is the reflection of 17
Date numerology: 11/19/2021 = 1+1+1+9+2+0+2+1 = 17
Mason = 17

Date numerology: 11/19/2021 = 11+19+2+0+2+1 = 35
Catholic = 35

61 113 226 338 860 | 3 shot, 1 dead outside the Mall of Victor Valley in Victorville, November 19, 2021 Read More »

68 179 197 199 211 449 604 | Staples Center will be renamed to Arena, November 16, 2021

 179 is the 41st prime number. 41 is the ‘King’ number
41 is also the 13st prime number

Los Angeles, California = 197

199 is the 46th prime number.  Jesuitical = 46. Catholic = 46

449 is the 87th prime number.  the Catholic Church = 87


From the announcment of the ‘Staples Center’ name change to ‘ Arena’ (11/16/21) to the end of the year leaves exactly 46 days remaining
Jesuitical = 46. Catholic = 46

This also leaves 1 month and 16 days left in the year, 116
the Roman Catholic Church = 116

Bottom right hand corner will reflect a remainder of 6 weeks and 4 days left in the year, like 64

America = 64. Israel = 64. Zion = 64.  Synagogue of Satan = 64. Jesuitism = 64 Arena Gematria

Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 11+16+20+21 = 68

Freemasons = 43
Jesuitize = 43
Jesuitized = 128

Freemasons = 115
Masonic = 115

211 is the 47th prime number

Agent = 47. Authority = 47. Gavel = 47. Government = 47. Judge = 47. Obey = 47
Mafia = 47. President = 47. Republican = 47. White House = 47. D.C. = 47

Foundation = 47. Framework = 47. Time = 47. Vibration = 47 Arena shares similar Gematria with the Roman Circus

Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 1+1+1+6+20+21 = 50
Jesuits = 50

Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 11+16+21 = 48
Freemason = 48

Date numerology: 12/25/2021 = 12+25+20+21 = 78
Jesuit = 78

68 179 197 199 211 449 604 | Staples Center will be renamed to Arena, November 16, 2021 Read More »

2021-22 NHL Season Tuesday line-up games, November 16, 2021

2021-22 NHL regular season
Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 11+16+20+21 = 68
Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 11+16+2+0+2+1 = 32
Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 1+1+1+6+20+21 = 50
Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 11+16+21 = 48
Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 1+1+1+6+2+0+2+1 = 14
Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 11+16= 27

Tuesday = 23 / 31 / 40 / 94 / 95 / 800

week six = 31 / 33 / 39 / 42 / 93 / 96 / 1319
Six = 14 / 16 / 20 / 29 / 52 / 399

6 x 6 = 36
13 is the 6th prime number
6 is the 3rd Triangular number
21 is the 6th Triangular number
8 is the 6th Fibonacci number

2021-22 NHL regular season began on Monday, October 12, 2021
36th day of the 2021-22 NHL regular season

thirty-six = 46 / 53 / 55 / 91 / 152 / 1096

46 days left remaining in the year
1 month and 16 days, 116
6 weeks 4 days,  64


NASH (9-5-1) @ TOR (10-5-1)

NSH: 5-2-1 away
TOR: 7-2-1 home

NSH: 19 pts (3rd Central, 6th Western)
TOR: 21 pts (2nd Atlantic, 5th Eastern)

Sheldon Keefe’s next birethday a span of 10 months and 1 day away, 101
101 is the 26th prime number
Preds = 26

*13 is the 6th prime number
The Nashville Predators come into this game with 13 all time wins with 6 all time away losses
Do they stay on 13 / 6? or get 14 / 7?
Remember this is Week 6
NSH = 14

The Nashville Predators come into this game with 8 all time away wins
8 is the 6th Fibonacci number

If the Toronto Maple Leafs win, they’ll get their 13th all time win
NSH = 13

the Preds = 40
NSH = 40
This is a Tuesday game
Tuesday = 31 / 40 / 95
Sheldon = 31
the Preds = 95

If the Leafs win, they’ll get 2 points, 1 point if they lose
currently 21 pts (2nd in the Atlantic)
Keefe = 22 / 23
Tavares = 23

This is a home game for the Toronto Maple Leafs
Toronto, Ontario = 800
Tuesday = 800
Eight hundred =  69 / 201
the Jesuit Order = 69 / 201

Today’s date is Tuesday, November 16, 2021, 11/16 or 16/11
Predators = 116

The Verdict: Numbers on both sides but ultimately, I’m seeing more numbers swing with the home team Leafs on this one rather than the road team Predators.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021 is the 36th day of the 2021-22 NHL regular season
Maple Leafs = 36
6^2 = 6 x 6 = 36


The only thing that is of a bit of concern would be that if the Nashville Predators win, they’ll get their 14th all time win on a date with 14 numerology
Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 1+1+1+6+2+0+2+1 = 14
NSH = 14

NYI (5-4-2) @ FLA (10-2-3)

NYI: 5-4-2 away
FLA: 7-0-0 home

NYI: 12 pts (8th Metropolitan, 14th Eastern)
FLA: 23 pts (1st Atlantic, 1st Eastern)

New York Islanders come into this game with 21 all time away wins
NYI = 21

If the New York Islanders win, they’ll get their 22nd all time away win
Lee = 22

The New York Islanders come into this game with 29 all time away losses
Six = 29
Andrew = 29
Aleksander Barkov’s next birthday a span of 290 days away

Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 11+16+21 = 48
NYI = 48

Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 1+1+1+6+20+21 = 50
Islanders come into this game with 50 all time wins
Do they stay on 50? or get 51?

Barry Trotz’s next birthday a span of 241 days away
241 is the 53rd prime number
the Panthers = 53 / 55
55 is the 10th Triangular number
In the NFL, week 10 just ended
FLA = 10

New York Islanders = 94
This game is being played on a Tuesday
Tuesday = 94

Today’s date of the game is Tuesday, November 16, 2021
FLA = 1160

The Verdict: The Florida Panthers look to get back to their winning ways by becoming 8-0-0 at home, 800
This game is being played on a Tuesday
Tuesday = 800


The main concern here is that if the New York Islanders win, they’ll hand the Florida Panthers their 1st home loss of the season, 7-1-0 or 7-0-1, like 71
Barry = 71
Isles = 71
This is a home game for the Florida Panthers, playing at FLA Live Arena located in Sunrise, Florida
Sunrise, Florida = 71 / 170
Andrew Brunette = 170

71 is the reflection of 17

FLA = 17

OTT (4-10-1) @ NJ (7-4-3)

OTT: 1-3-1 away
NJ: 5-3-1 home

OTT: 9 pts (8th Atlantic, 16th Eastern)
NJ: 17 pts (4th Metropolitan, 8th Eastern)

The Ottawa Senators come into this game with 21 all time away wins
21 is the 6th Triangular number
Do they stay on 21? or get 22?
New Jersey Devils = 210
Ruff = 21
Nico = 22

This is a home game for the New Jersey Devils who play at Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey situated on the 40th meridian
Coordinates 40°44′1″N 74°10′16″W
Tuesday = 40 / 94

The Senators come into this game with 47 all time wins
New Jersey = 47
NHL = 47

D.J. Smith’s previous birthday span of 187 days earlier
Ottawa Senators = 187

The Verdict: Numbers on both sides. If I had to pick, leaning Devils.

If the Ottawa Senators win, they’ll get their 48th all time away win on a date with 48 numerology
Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 11+16+21 = 48


If the New Jersey Devils win, they will hand the Ottawa Senators their 36th all time away loss on the 36th day of the NHL regular season
36th day of the 2021-22 NHL regular season
Newark = 36

MON (4-11-2) @ NYR (9-3-3)

MON: 1-6-1 away
NYR: 3-1-1 home

MON: 10 pts (7th Atlantic, 15th Eastern)
NYR: 21 pts (3rd Metropolitan, 4th Eastern)

If the Canadiens win, they’ll get their 149th all time win
149 is the 35th prime number
Gerard = 35

Dominique Ducharme’s last birthday span of 8 months and 4 days ago, 84
the Montreal Canadiens = 84

Shea Weber’s previous birthday a span of 94 days earlier
Tuesday = 94

Gerard Gallant’s previous birthday a span of 10 weeks and 5 days earlier, 105
Currently in the 105th season of the NHL

Gerard Gallant’s previous birthday a span of 2 months and 14 days ago, 214
the Habs = 214

Gerard Gallant’s next birthday exactly 291 days away
Montreal Canadiens = 291

The Montreal Canadiens come into this game with 378 all time wins
378 is the 27th Triangular number
Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 11+16= 27
Gerard = 27 (Septenary)
Canadiens = 27 (Septenary)

The Verdict: Numbers shown that this match could go either way. If I were to pick, I’ll have to go with the home team Rangers.

If the New York Rangers win, the Canadiens would get their 233rd all time loss
the New York Rangers = 233
233 is the 51st prime number
Montreal Canadiens = 51 (Septenary)


If the Montreal Canadiens win, they would gain their 379th all time win
379 is the 75th prime number
Gerard Gallant’s previous birthday was a span of 75 days earlier, 76 counting the end date
New York Rangers = 76

If the Montreal Canadiens win, they would get 2 points bumping them to 12 points total
NY = 12
This is a home game for the N.Y. Rangers playing at Madison Square Garden (MSG)
MSG = 12

CAL (8-3-4) @ PHI (7-4-2)

CAL: 6-2-1 away
PHI: 3-2-1 home

CAL: 20 pts (3rd Pacific, 4th Western)
PHI: 16 pts (5th Metropolitan, 10th Eastern)

If the Flyers lose, they’ll only earn 1 point, from 16 to 17

PHI: 16 pts (5th Metropolitan, 10th Eastern)
CGY = 17

If the Flames win, they would get 2 points onto their 20, totaling 22
Sutter = 22

Claude Giroux’s next birthday a span of 1 month and 27 days later, 127
127 is the 31st prime number
Granato = 31
Flyers = 31

Claude Giroux’s previous birthday a span of 44 weeks earlier
the Flyers = 44
Sabre = 44

46 days left remaining in the year
the Flames = 46

Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 1+1+1+6+20+21 = 50
Buffalo Sabres = 50 (Septenary)

Calgary Flames come into this game with 56 all time wins
Flames = 56

If the Calgary Flames win, they’ll get their 57th all time win
Flyers captain Claude Giroux’s next birthday is a span of 57 days away

Darryl Sutter’s next birthday a span of 9 months and 3 days away, 93
Philadelphia Flyers = 93
Saturn = 93

Philadelphia with an overtime loss, can drop from 3-2-1 to 3-2-2 at home, like 322
Military Industrial Complex = 322
322 is the reflection of 223
Philadelphia = 223

The Verdict: The Verdict: There are numbers here but nothing definitive. Not a whole lot to go off of on this one. But nonetheless here it is.

If the Philadelphia Flyers win, the Calgary Flames can get their 68th all time loss
Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 11+16+20+21 = 68


If the Flames win, they’ll get their 24th all time away win
PHI = 24
The 24th prime number is 89
Darryl Sutter’s previous birthday a span of 89 days ago

BUF (6-6-2) @ PIT (5-5-4)

BUF: 1-4-1 away
PIT: 4-3-2 home

BUF: 14 pts (6th Atlantic, 12th Eastern)
PIT: 14 pts (7th Metropolitan, 13th Eastern)

*winner gets 2 points, improving to 16 points
BUF = 16

Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 1+1+1+6+2+0+2+1 = 14
BUF = 14 (Septenary)

Sidney Crosby’s previous birthday span of 101 days ago
101 is the 26th prime number
Buffalo = 26

Don Granato’s previous birthday a span of 97 days earlier
the Sabres = 97
97 is the 25th prime number
Buffalo = 25 (Septenary)
Mike Sullivan’s next birthday a span of 103 days away
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania = 103
103 is the 27th prime number
Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 11+16= 27
Buffalo = 27

Sidney Crosby’s previous birthday a span of 3 months and 9 days ago, 39
Penguins = 39

This is a home game for the Pittsburgh Penguins playing at PPG Paints Arena
PPG = 42

46 days left remaining in the year
Buffalo Sabres = 46

Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 1+1+1+6+20+21 = 50
This is a home game for the Pittsburgh Penguins
Pittsburgh = 50

Mike Sullivan’s next birthday span of 3 months and 11 days later, 311
311 is the 64th prime number
Pennsylvania = 64

Don Granato’s next birthday 8 months and 27 days away, 827
827 is the 144th prime number
Sidney Crosby’s previous birthday exactly 14 weeks and 4 days earlier, 144

Mike Sullivan’s previous birthday span of 37 weeks and 3 days ago, 373
373 is the 74th prime number
The Buffalo Sabres come into this match with 74 all time wins

*Pittsburgh = 656
Currently the Penguins are 5-5-4, 554
PPGS Paints Arena = 554

*the Buffalo Sabres = 666
Currently the Sabers are 6-6-2, 662

The Verdict: Leaning home team Penguins versus the road team Sabres
Pay attention to the Pittsburgh Penguins captain Sidney Crosby for any clues

If the Buffalo Sabres lose, they would get their 59th all time away loss
Sidney Crosby = 59
Kill = 59


If Buffalo wins, remember that the Sabres come into this game with 30 away wins all time
the Pens = 30

With a Sabres win, they would bump that up to 31 away wins all time
Sidney = 31
The 31st prime number is 127
Buffalo Sabres = 127

ARI (1-13-1) @ STL (8-4-2)

ARI: 0-9-1 away
STL: 3-2-1 home

ARI: 3 pts (8th Central, 16th Western)
STL: 18 pts (4th Central, 7th Western)

Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 1+1+1+6+2+0+2+1 = 14
Blues = 14

St. Louis Blues come into this game with 18 points thus far
If the Blues lose, they would only gain 1 point, alas for a total of 19 points
ARI = 19

The Arizona Coyotes come into this game with 31 all time away wins
Do they stay on 31? or get 32?
Blues = 31

If the Arizona Coyotes win, they can get their 72nd all time win
Glendale, Arizona = 72

This is a home game for the St. Louis Blues playing at Enterprise Center
Enterprise Center = 94
This game is also being played on a Tuesday
Tuesday = 94

St. Louis Blues 3-2-1 home this season
With a loss in overtime, can drop to 3-2-2, like 322
Military Industrial Complex = 322
322 is the reflection of 223
Masonic = 223

The Verdict: Default to Blues but the Coyotes definitely have a narrative to upset

The Arizona Coyotes have a chance to get their 2nd win of the 2021-22 NHL season
On the road, the Coyotes come into this matchup with 31 away wins all time
The Coyotes can get # 32 on a date with 32 numerology

Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 11+16+2+0+2+1 = 32


If the St. Louis Blues win, the Coyotes would get their 45th all time away loss
the Coyotes = 45

SJ (7-6-1) @ MIN (10-4-0)

SJ: 4-4-0 away
MIN: 4-1-0 home

SJ: 15 pts (6th Pacific, 10th Western)
MIN: 20 pts (1st Central, 3rd Western)

The San Jose Sharks come into this match up with 17 all time away wins, 18 with a win
Jared Spurgeon’s next birthday 1 week and 7 days away, 17
Bob = 17
MIN = 18

The Sharks come into this game with 19 away losses
Stay on 19? or get 20?
Bob = 19

The Minnesota Wild currently have 20 points
If the Minnesota Wild win, they would get 2 points for a total of 22
Logan = 22
Sharks = 22

Bob Boughner’s next birthday exactly 113 days later
Bob Boughner’s full name is Robert Douglas Boughner
Robert Douglas Boughner = 113
This is a home game for the Minnesota Wild
Saint Paul = 113

Logan Couture’s next birthday exactly 133 days later
Minnesota = 113
Government = 113

Jared Spurgeon’s previous birthday exactly 50 weeks and 3 days earlier, 503
503 is the 96th prime number
Minnesota Wild head coach Dean Evason’s next birthday a span of 9 months and 6 days later, 96
the San Jose Sharks = 96

The Verdict: Most may think that the home team Minnesota Wild team may best the incoming road team San Jose Sharks and that may be so. The home team most certainly can come out on top of this matchup but the numbers are certainly there for the away team to shock and upset the Wild.

If the San Jose Sharks win, they’ll earn their 41st all time win
Couture = 41
Sharks = 41

41 is the reflection of 14

Jared Spurgeon’s next birthday exactly 14 days later
Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 1+1+1+6+2+0+2+1 = 14

Also, Minnesota is currently 4-1-0 at home
If Minnesota losses in regulation time, they can fall to 4-2-0, like 42
San Jose Sharks = 42


If the Minnesota Wild win, the Sharks would be handed their 20th away loss
San Jose =20
Remember that we are now in week six of the 2021-22 NHL season
Six = 20

Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 11+16+21 = 48
Wild = 48

EDM (11-3-0) @ WIN (8-3-3)

EDM: 5-2-0 away
WIN: 6-1-1 home

EDM: 22 pts (1st Pacific, 1st Western)
WIN: 19 pts (2nd Pacific, 5th Western)

Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 1+1+1+6+2+0+2+1 = 14
Dave = 14
EDM = 14

Edmonton Oilers can get either their 24th all time win or loss
Alberta = 23
Connor = 23
the Jets = 24
The 23rd prime number is 83
Dave Tippett’s previous birthday was a span of 83 days earlier

Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 11+16+2+0+2+1 = 32
Dave = 32

Date numerology: 11/16/2021 = 11+16+21 = 48
the Oilers = 48

*The owner of the Edmonton Oilers is Daryl Katz
Today’s date of this game is Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Daryl Katz = 1116

The Verdict: Not much to go on here for this one. Make of it what you will.

If the Edmonton Oilers win, they would get their 13th away win
Blake =13
EDM = 13


If the Winnipeg Jets win, in regulation time, the Edmonton Oilers would drop from 5-2-0 to 5-3-0 away
Blake Wheeler = 53
Stanley Cup = 53
Vesica Pisces = 53

DET (8-7-2) @ DAL (5-6-2)

DET: 3-5-0 away
DAL: 2-2-1 home

DET: 18 pts (4th Atlantic, 7th Eastern)
DAL: 12 pts (6th Central, 12th Western)

Dallas Stars come into this game with 12 pts
With a win, they would get + 2 points to their total, 14
Stars = 14

Rick Bowness’ next birthday a span of 10 weeks later
10 weeks is equivalent to 9 weeks and 7 days, 97
Jamie = 97
97 is the 25th prime number
Jeff Blashill’s next birthday exactly 25 days later
Rick Bowness was born on the 25th of January
Bosness = 25 / 97

Rick Bowness’s next birthday a span of 2 months and 9 days later, 29
the Stars = 29
The 29th prime number is 109
Dylan Larkin’s previous birthday was a span of 109 days earlier

Red Wings come into this matchup with 71 away losses
Rick Bowness’ next birthday exactly 71 days later
Dallas, Texas = 71

Rick Bowness’s previous birthday was a span of 42 weeks and 1 day earlier, 421
421 is the 82nd prime number
Jamie Benn’s next birthday a span of 8 months and 2 days later, 82
Detroit Red Wings = 82

Jeff Blashill’s previous birthday a span of 11 month and 6 days earlier, 116
Today’s date of this game is Tuesday, November 16, 2021, 11/16 or 16/11

The Verdict: This is a close match, could swing either way (leaned Red Wings),  Neutral

If the Detroit Red Wings win, they would improve their 3-5-0 away record to 4-5-0, like 45
Red Wings = 45


If the Dallas Stars win, the Detroit Red Wings would get their 72nd away loss
Wings = 72

CAR (11-2-0) @ VGK (9-6-0)

CAR: 5-1-0 away
VGK: 5-3-0 home

CAR: 22 pts (1st Metropolitan, 2nd Eastern)
VGK: 18 pts (4th Pacific, 8th Western)

Mark Stone’s next birthday is exactly 179 days later
179 is the 41st prime number
VGK = 41
41 is the 13th prime number
CAR = 13

The Carolina Hurricanes are 5-1-0 away currently, 51
This is a home game for the Vegas Golden Knights playing at T-Mobile Arena
If the VGK win, in regulation, the Hurricanes would fall to 5-2-0 away, 52
T-Mobile Arena = 52
Government = 52
Prophecy =52

Jordan Staal’s previous birthday wa a span of 67 days
North Carolina = 67
67 is the 19th prime number
Rod = 19
Today’s date of this game is Tuesday, November 16, 2021, 11/16 or 16/11
Raleigh, North Carolina = 116
Hurricanes = 116

Peter DeBoer’ previous birthday a span of 22 weeks and 2 days, 222, 223 counting the end date
the Carolina Hurricanes = 222
Masonic = 223

The Verdict: See potential for the home team Vegas Golden Knights to lose rather than win, slight lean

If the Carolina Hurricanes win, in regulation time, they’ll drop the Vegas Golden Knights 9-7-0, 97
the Vegas Golden Knights = 97


If the Vegas Golden Knights win, the Hurricanes would be 3-4-0 all time against the recent expansion team, Vegas Golden Knights,  like 34
Knights = 34

34 is the reflection of 43

Mark = 43
Las Vegas, Nevada = 43

WSH (9-2-4) @ ANA (9-4-3)

WSH: 4-1-1 away
ANA: 6-2-1 home

WSH: 22 pts (2nd Metropolitan, 3rd Eastern)
ANA: 21 pts (2nd Pacific, 2nd Western)

Dallas Eakins’ next birthday a span of 103 days later
103 is the 27th prime number
the Caps = 27
Capitals = 27
Peter Laviolette’s next birthday is a span of 3 weeks
3 weeks is equivalent to 2 weeks and 7 days, 27

Today’s date of this game is Tuesday, November 16, 2021, 11/16 or 16/11
District of Columbia = 116

Washington Capitals are 4-1-1 away currently
with a win, can improve to 5-1-1, like 511
Saturn = 511

*Whichever team wins next will get their 20th all time win, here in week six of the 2021-22 NHL season
Six = 20

The Verdict: Both teams have a chance to reach 20 all time wins, along with 10 away / home wins / losses
Seems like the books be waiting on how the games play out for flexibility.

If the Washington Capitals win, they can earn 2 points
Washington currently sitting at 22 points, with 2 more would sum to 24
Caps = 24


If the Anaheim Ducks win, in regulation time, they would drop the Capitals from 4-1-1 to 4-2-1, like 421
421 is the 82nd prime number
District of Columbia = D.C.
District of Columbia = 82

2021-22 NHL Season Tuesday line-up games, November 16, 2021 Read More »

104 222 580 | Vatican hosts faith leaders ahead of Glasgow climate meeting, June 17, 2021

Conditioned = 58. COP twenty-six = 58. Society of Jesus (SJ) = 58. Freemasonry = 58


The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) began on October 4, 2021, date written 10/4 or 4/10

The Foundation for Climate Restoration Issues Statement on the Vatican Meeting “Faith and Science: Towards COP26” on October 4, 2021 = 410 (Septenary)

June 17, 2021 leaves a span of 197 days left remaining in the year
197 is the 45th prime number
Holy Bible = 45
IHS = 45

Also leaves a span of 6 months and 14 days, 614
cutting carbon emissions = 1614
United Nations Climate Change conference = 1614

Lastly, this leaves a span of 28 weeks and 1 day remaining in the year, like 281
281 is the 60th prime number
Roman Catholic  = 60

Date numerology: 6/17/2021 = 6+17+2+0+2+1 = 28
IRI’s = 28
Mason = 28

104 222 580 | Vatican hosts faith leaders ahead of Glasgow climate meeting, June 17, 2021 Read More »