
28 42 52 66 107 152 239 391 | Pope’s visit to Gozo to consist of a prayer meeting at Ta’ Pinu (Chaos tribute), March 23, 2022

The Society of Jesus, among other secret societies, practice inversion, reversals etc.
like their IHS logo, (looks like the word SHIT if you look at it upside)

Yellow  . . . blue  . . . yellow / blue . . . blue / yellow etc.   like the Ukraine flag . . .

The header of this article sums to 239 using the full reduction.

239 is the 52nd prime number
Government = 52. Pope = 52

vaccine mandate = 52

Today’s date numerology: 3/23/2022 = 3 + 23 + 22 = 48
Ta’ Pinu , Gozo visit date numerology: 4/2/2022 = 4 + 2 + 20 + 22 = 48
Hoax = 48
Jesuit ritual = 48
Bible = 48

forty-eight = 52 (Septenary)


‘The Pope’s visit to Gozo next month will consist of a prayer meeting which he will lead on the parvis of Ta’ Pinu Sanctuary, the Gozo Curia said on Wednesday.’

‘Pope Francis will travel to Gozo on the catamaran Maria Dolores from Grand Harbour at 3.50pm on Saturday April 2, arriving at Mgarr at 5pm.’
Catholic = 35
Catholics = 35
Holy See = 35
Jesuitism = 35

‘from Grand Harbour’ at 3:50 P.M.  . . .
Masonry = 42 / 350

‘on Saturday April 2’
G = 42. History = 42. Knowledge = 42. Math = 42. Numerical = 42. Sin = 42

War = 42

Freemason = 42
Jesuit = 42

April 2, 2022 leaves exactly 274 days left in the year
controlled opposition = 274
Israel = 274

leaves exactly 8 months and 30 days remaining, like 830
Society of Jesus = 83
Murder = 83

on the bottom right hand corner you will see that April 2nd, 2022 leaves exactly 39 weeks and 1 day left in the year, like 391

the angel of the bottomless pit = 391
Artificial Intelligence = 391


The angel of the bottomless pit is mentioned in the last book of the Bible, the Book of Revelation;  Revelation 9:11


391 has a connection with 187, hexadecimal,
187 is the California homicide code
187 chapters in the Torah
Society of Jesus = 187
Time = 187


Maria Dolores is the name of the catamaran.
traveling to Gozo, then to Grand Harbour arriving finally at Mgarr


*Side note before proceeding on with the decode:

April 2nd, is the same date in which the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick was released back in 1968
Film release date: 4/2/1968

2001: A Space Odyssey is a 1968 epic science fiction film produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick.
The screenplay was written by Kubrick and science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke, and was inspired by Clarke’s 1951 short story “The Sentinel” and other short stories by Clarke.
Clarke also developed a novelisation of the film, which was released after the film’s release, and in part written concurrently with the screenplay.
The film stars Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood, William Sylvester and Douglas Rain, and follows a voyage to Jupiter with the sentient supercomputer HAL after the discovery of an alien monolith.


*April 2nd is also the same date that then U.S. President Woodrow Wilson called on Congress to meet in a special session delivering a message that was shortly followed by a war resolution that was approved by the Senate the very next day on April 3, and by the House of Representatives on April 6. The presidential declaration of war was then made.


note that in consideration of the whole supposed recent Ukraine and Russian ‘conflict’ here in ‘2022’



Pope Francis, born Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 17 December 1969, is the head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State since 2013.

Francis is the first pope to be a member of the Society of Jesus

Pope Francis’ papacy began March 13, 2013

From Pope Francis’ installation into the papacy (3/13/2013) to the Ta’ Pinu (4/2/22) is exactly 9 years and 21 days later, like 921
the worshipful master = 921 (aka. the Pope)

Jah Bul On = 921

JAH (the first syllable) represents the name of Yahweh or Jehovah, the name of the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.
This name is so highly revered that it appears only a few times in the Authorized Version (1611), as in Psalm 68:4 and in the use of the word, Hallelujah, which means “Praise Jah!”

BUL (the second syllable) represents the name of Ba’al or Bel.
This name of the god of Jezebel and Ahab, perhaps the most wicked couple ever to sit on the throne of Israel (I Kings 16:29-33).

ON (the third syllable) represents the name of the Egyptian sun god.
It is the name of his sacred city, Heliopolis, (city of the sun in Greek) in Egypt. (Genesis 41:45, 50) That is the god of Pharaoh!

Russia = 921

*note the whole current Ukraine / Russia ‘conflict’ at the moment
Remember that the Ta’ Pinu prayer meeting is taking place on April 2nd, 2022, date written 4/2 or 2/4

Russia = 24 / 42

Expect big ‘news’ on this day with regards to Russia.


From Pope Francis’ last birthday (12/17/21) to the Gozo visit prayer meeting at Ta’ Pinu (4/2/22) is exactly 107 days later

IHS = Iesus Hominum Salvator
IHS is the Jesuit logo.
Pope Francis is the first Jesuit pope.


107 is the 28th prime number
Date numerology: 4/2/2022 = 4+2+22 = 28


April 2nd, 2022 of this year falls on a Saturday


this leaves exactly 3 months and 17 days later, much like 317

317 looks like the word ‘ LIE ‘ upside down

317 is the 66th prime number
Mankind = 66. misconceptions = 66. misdirection = 66. polarization = 66
secret societies = 66

St. Ignatius Loyola = 66
Pope Francis is arriving at Mgarr at 5pm
Five = 66

There are 66 books in the Bible.
Gutenberg Bible = 66

On the bottom right hand corner, you will observe that this leaves exactly 15 weeks and 2 days later, like 152
American = 152
Controlled = 152
Deception = 152

Chaos = 152

The word of the day is  Chaos  ladies and gentlemen.  Be on guard.


*here’s a gem

Masons = 18 / 36 / 81 / 81 / 351 / 486 / 301 / 291

talk about a super-match . . . .


IHS = 27

28 42 52 66 107 152 239 391 | Pope’s visit to Gozo to consist of a prayer meeting at Ta’ Pinu (Chaos tribute), March 23, 2022 Read More »

13 21 30 45 48 55 73 83 113 | Union Pacific freight train hauling lumber derails in Colton, sending 13 cars off tracks (Jesuit / Bavarian illuminati / Holy Bible tribute) March 21, 2022

Video time frame of 2:57, 2:56 with 1 second cut-off
257 is the 55th prime number, a number that will show itself particularly significant in this decode

Union Pacific freight train hauling lumber derails in Colton, sending 13 cars off tracks = 393
Union Pacific freight train = 393

Colton, CA = 83
Colton = 83
Broadcast = 83
83 is the 23rd prime number
King, like King James in the Holy Bible
King = 23 / 41
Christ = 41
41 is the 13th prime number
Supposedly there were 13 cars off the tracks

‘The derailment happened at a point where some tracks take a left-hand turn to go under the freeway and head north, while other tracks continue east. It’s unclear which direction the train was headed.’

‘left-hand turn’ . . .   West . . .
‘head north’ . . .  North . . .
‘while other tracks continue east’ . . .  East . . .
South . . .
South = 83


This train derailment supposedly happened today on March 21, 2022, around 7:30 A.M.

freight = 73
transcontinental = 73
Union = 73

Date numerology: 3/21/2022 = 3+21+22 = 46
freight = 46


Date numerology: 3/21/2022 = 3+21+20+22 = 66
Union Pacific = 66
King = 66

Date numerology: 3/21/2022 = 3+2+1+20+22 = 48
Locomotive = 48
Hoax = 48
Jesuit ritual = 48
Bible = 48


Union Pacific Railroad Company



This Colton Train derailment comes on 80th day of the year
Bavarian Illuminati = 80

Exactly 2 months and 21 days from the beginning of the year, like 221
the Bavarian Illuminati = 221

This Colton train derailment also comes on the 11th week of the 3rd day, much like 113
(I spy a 13 in the 113 . . . )

Bavarian illuminati tributes = 113
the Colton Fire Department = 113

derail = 113

Broadcasting = 113. Bullshit = 113. Dishonest = 113. disinfo = 113. Fiction = 113
Green screen = 113. illusions = 113. Logistics = 113. Mainstream = 113
One World Government = 113. Operation = 113

Scottish = 113 (like the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry)

113 is the 30th prime number
Date numerology: 3/21/2022 = 3+21+2+0+2+2 = 30
Bible = 21 / 30
Jesuit = 21 / 30 / 78
Saturn = 21 / 30

Today is the 21st of March
The train was carrying lumber, wood etc.  Wood = 21


This Colton train derailment leaves exactly 9 months and 11 days left remaining in the year.

911 is the emergency dialing code
Tisha B’Av, the destruction of twin towers, destruction
Tisha B’Av = 911


“The derailment happened around 7:30 a.m. near 5th and K streets in Colton, on a stretch of track just south of the 10 Freeway, east of Rancho Avenue.”

‘5th and K streets’, K = 11, like 5 11,  511
Saturn = 511


* ‘Rancho Avenue‘ matches 3 out of the 4 base ciphers with the ‘Book of Matthew‘ in the Bible.

Both share the Gematria value of 55, 62 and 197
fifty-five = 45 / 54
*(55, we saw it’s prime in the very beginning of the video, time-stamp)
God = 55

197 is the 45th prime number
There were reports of diesel oil spilled.
oil = 45
diesel oil = 45
rail cars = 45
rail lines = 45
failure = 45 / 321 (March 21st, 2022)
Holy Bible = 45
the Bible = 45

IHS = 45


*The last train derailment took place in Pittsburg, Texas on March 7, 2022, March 7th, 3/7, like 37, or 7/3 internationally

32 Train cars derailed. Christ = 32
two trains were coupled together at a length of over 13,000 feet long


From the March 7th, 2022 Pittsburg train derailment to today’s Colton (3/21/22) train derailment leaves a span of 14 day
Colt = 14

Counting the end date leaves exactly 15 days
Colts = 15. Texas = 15



In the Book of Matthew, 21:2, there mentions that of a donkey, ass, as well as a colt.
(remember that today is the 21st of March)


Why was this ’73’ number emphasized so much in this supposed Colton train derailment that apparently happened at 7:30 A.M. this morning?

Why? Very simple.

73 is the 21st prime number
Today is March 21st, 2022

Bible = 21. Jesuit = 21. Saturn = 21

‘Biblical’. Another Jesuit ritual.
There’s so much more but going to leave it at that.

13 21 30 45 48 55 73 83 113 | Union Pacific freight train hauling lumber derails in Colton, sending 13 cars off tracks (Jesuit / Bavarian illuminati / Holy Bible tribute) March 21, 2022 Read More »

35 56 99 117 222 271 350 604 | Savaii Seau, brother of Chargers legend Junior Seau, dies in car crash, February 2, 2022

Video time frame of 00:27. Ritual = 27

Savaii Seau, brother of Chargers legend Junior Seau, dies in car crash= 271, 350, 604

Church = 271
271 = 58th prime number
secret society = 58
Freemasonry = 58
Society of Jesus (SJ) = 58

Savaii Seau = 350
car crash = 35
Catholic = 35
Jesuitism = 35

L.A. Rams = 64
Sean McVay is the head coach of the Los Angeles Rams
McVay = 64
American = 64. Israel = 64. Zion = 64. Thelema = 64
Do what thou wilt = 64 (Thelema motto)
Synagogue of Satan = 64
This happened in San Diego County.
San Diego County = 64

64 is the reflection of 46
Date numerology: 2/2/2022 = 2+2+20+22 = 46
ORDO AB CHAO (Latin expression, Order out of Chaos, motto of Thirty-third Degree)
Jesuitical = 46
Sacrifice = 46

California Highway Patrol = 251
ritual sacrifice = 251
251 is the 54th prime number
Mark of the Beast = 54
Freemasonic = 54
Jesuit Order = 54
Jesuit Society = 54

“The crash happened around 2:10 p.m. Tuesday, when the 56-year-old’s 2005 Audi A6 crashed head-on with a dump truck on Los Coches Road in Lakeside, California Highway Patrol said in a news release.”
Jesuit = 21
Rome = 21
Los Coches Road = 56 / 137
Junior Seau’s full name is Tiaina Baul Seau Jr.
Tiaina Baul Seau Jr. = 56
L.A. Chargers = 56
Pope = 56
Chargers = 137
mind control = 56 / 137
U.S. Government = 56 / 173
Washington D.C. = 56 / 137
Society of Jesus = 56

“A 42-year-old woman riding in the Audi and the 60-year-old man driving the truck, which was a Helix Water District vehicle, suffered non-life threatening injuries, according to CHP.”
as scripted= 42. History = 42. Knowledge = 42. Math =42. War = 42
fifty states = 42. New Testament = 42

We have just entered the month of February

February = 42
Freemason = 42
Jesuit = 42
Bengals = 60
Score = 60
Communication = 60
Police = 60
Roman Catholic = 60

This car crash involving the death of Junior Seau’s brother, Savaii Seau, comes on February 2nd, 2022, date written 2/2/22

Order out of Chaos = 222

Savaii Seau’s death comes on the 33rd day of the year
Masonry = 33

From Junior Seau’s death (5/2/12) to his brother’s, Savaii Seau, death (2/2/22) leaves a span of exactly 9 years and 9 days, like 99
The United States of America = 99
National Football League (NFL) = 99
Junior Seau played, with the then San Diego Chargers, for 12 seasons
San Diego Chargers = 99

On the bottom right hand corner will display a span of 509 weeks
the Pope of Rome = 509
Republic = 509
509 . . like 59 when you drop the 0
Superbowl LVI is being hosted in the L.A. Rams / Chargers home arena of So-Fi stadium in Inglewood, California.
SoFi = 59
59 is the 17th prime number
Kill = 17 / 59

509 is the 97th prime number

The Bengals play at their home stadium which is named, Paul Brown Stadium
Paul Brown Stadium = 97
The quarterback for the Cincinnati Bengals is Joe Burrow. Burrow = 97
the L.A. Rams = 56 / 97

97 is the 25th prime number. Sport = 25

Lastly, this leaves exactly a span of 117 months

Quarterback = 117
the Cincinnati Bengals = 117
Ohio = 117

Newspaper = 117
television programming = 117
Central Intelligence Agency = 117
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite = 117
Royal Arch of Freemasonry = 117

Savaii Seau

35 56 99 117 222 271 350 604 | Savaii Seau, brother of Chargers legend Junior Seau, dies in car crash, February 2, 2022 Read More »

43 61 71 303 708 | After 70 Years, North And South Korea Agree ‘In Principle’ To Formally End War, December 13, 2021


Masonry = 33

Date numerology: 12+13+2+0+2+1 = 30
Jesuit = 30


Jesuit = 78. the Jesuit Order = 78


From this announcement of North Korea and South Korea to ‘formally end the war ‘in principle”  (12/13/21) to President Moon Jae-In’s birthday (1/24/22) is exactly 43 days away

hostile = 43. nuclear  = 43. Freemasons = 43. Masonic = 43. Jesuitize = 43
South Korea = 43. Korean War = 43

This leaves also exactly 1 month and 12 days remaining, like 112, 111 if you don’t count the end date
objections = 112. North Korea’s objections = 112. South Korean President = 112
Catholicism = 112. peninsula = 111

Bottom right hand corner leaves exactly 6 weeks and 1 day left, 61
peace treaty = 61
Roman = 61. Roman Catholics = 61
Church = 61
Freemasons = 61
Jesuitized = 61

Date numerology: 12/13/2021 = 12+13+21 = 46
smokescreen  = 46. Catholic = 46. Jesuitical = 46

Date numerology: 12/13/2021 = 1+2+1+3+20+21 = 48
declaration = 48. South Korean = 48. Freemason = 48
Kim Jong-un is the ‘leader’ of North Korea
Kim Jong-un = 48

Date numerology: 12/13/2021 = 12+13+20+21 = 66
a formal peace  = 66. U.S. hostility = 66. secret societies = 66

nuclear weapons = 76
Korean peninsula = 76
Republic of Korea = 76

This article was published on Sunday, December 13, 2021 (12/13/2021) at 7:17 A.M. EST
The phrase ‘In Principle’ is emphasized.
In Principle = 71

hostilities = 71. preconditions = 71
Catholic = 71
Jesuitical = 71
the Society of Jesus = 71

71 is the reflection of 17
Mason = 17
Republic of Korea = ROK
ROK = 17

43 61 71 303 708 | After 70 Years, North And South Korea Agree ‘In Principle’ To Formally End War, December 13, 2021 Read More »

39 94 463 | Yoon leads Lee by 9.4 percentage points in presidential race: survey, November 29, 2021

dead = 94. puppet = 94. scripted = 94. terror = 94. Roman Catholic Church = 94
We are in the end month of November.    November = 94463 is the 90th prime number. ninety = 33. Mafia = 33. Masonry = 33
Freemasonic = 369
3,023 is the 434th prime number.  deadly = 434Masons = 18.   The 95 Theses Martin Luther nailed on the church door at Wittenburgclockwise = 37. Jesuitical = 37. the Jesuits = 37.   Mafia = 33. Masonry = 33Society of Jesus = 79.    79 is the 22nd prime number.  Jesuits = 22March 9 can be written as 3/9 or 9/3.   Yoon = 39
Roman Catholic = 39 (Septenary). Freemasonry = 39 (Septenary). Jesuits = 39 (Septenary). Masonry = 39
South Korea is officially recognized as ‘the Republic of Korea (ROK)’ = 93.   Seok-youl = 93
the Society of Jesus (SJ) = 93 (Septenary). Jesuit World Order (JWO) = 93. Saturn = 93Roman Catholic = 395
569 is the 104th prime number.  Roman Catholic Church = 104

Date numerology: 11/29/2021 = 11+29+2+0+2+1 = 45
servant = 45. critics = 45
Geometry = 45. Holy Bible = 45

Date numerology: 11/29/2021 = 1+1+2+9+20+21 = 54
Jesuit Order = 54

Date numerology: 11/29/2021 = 11+29+21 = 61
Freemasons = 61. Jesuitized = 61
Roman = 61. Church = 61


lot of numbers
Previous decode here:

39 94 463 | Yoon leads Lee by 9.4 percentage points in presidential race: survey, November 29, 2021 Read More »

67 77 249 331 | Cambodian prince and politician Norodom Ranariddh dies at 77, November 28, 2021

Norodom Ranariddh

The National United Front for an Independent, Neutral, Peaceful and Cooperative Cambodia, commonly referred to as FUNCINPEC is a royalist political party in Cambodia.

From Norodom Ranariddh’s birthday (1/2/21) to his death today (11/28/21) is exactly 331 days later
331 is the 67th prime number

FUNCIPEC Party = 67
Sacrificed = 67
Freemasonry = 67
67 is the 19th prime number
Masonic = 19 (Septenary)

It is also exactly 10 month and 27 days later, like 1027, 127
Assassinate = 127

Dead at the age of 77

Ranariddh = 77

Power = 77
police department = 77
military order = 77
shadow government = 77
Judaism = 77
September eleventh = 77

Date numerology: 11/28/201 = 11+28+2+0+2+1 = 44
Kill = 44

Date numerology: 11/28/2021 = 11+28+21 = 60
Roman Catholic = 60

67 77 249 331 | Cambodian prince and politician Norodom Ranariddh dies at 77, November 28, 2021 Read More »

69 350 370 | Phil Saviano, key clergy sex abuse whistleblower from Massachusetts, dies at 69, November 28, 2021

video time frame of 00:37.  Killed = 37. Jesuitical = 37. the Jesuits = 37

Catholic = 35. Masonry = 350
Silenced = 35

Killed = 37. Jesuitical = 37. the Jesuits = 37

Phil Saviano

From Phil Saviano’s birthday to his death today (11/28/21) is a span of 158 days later, 159 counting the end date
Freemasonry = 158
New Testament = 159
Resurrection = 159
Scottish Rite = 159

It is also a span of 5 months and 5 days away, like 55, 56 counting the end date
the Jesuits = 55
Eliminate = 56
Mass = 56
Freemasons = 56
Jesuitize = 56
Jesuitized = 56
Society of Jesus = 56

It is also a span of 22 weeks and 4 days later, like 224
the Society of Jesus = 224

Date numerology: 11/28/2021 = 11+28 = 39
Masonry = 39

Date numerology: 11/28/2021 = 11+28+2+0+2+1 = 44
Kill = 44

Date numerology: 11/28/2021 = 11+28+21 = 60
Roman Catholic = 60

Dead at the age of 69 . . .
This was in Massachusetts

the Jesuit Order = 69

69 350 370 | Phil Saviano, key clergy sex abuse whistleblower from Massachusetts, dies at 69, November 28, 2021 Read More »

92 271 280 307 359 667 980 | Michael Strahan tells fans Giants ‘will be back’ in No. 92 retirement ceremony, November 28, 2021

Giants = 92

*Observation: the New York Giants retired a jersey at half-time today and did NOT lose

Michael Strahan tells fans Giants ‘will be back’ in No. 92 retirement ceremony = 271 / 280 / 307 / 359 / 667 / 980

271 is the 58th prime number
Metlife Stadium = 58
Freemasonry = 58

Mason = 28

N.Y. Giants = 37
nine two = 37
the Jesuits = 37

359 is the 72nd prime number
Jesuit Order = 72

the Jesuit Order = 667

the Society of Jesus = 98

This all comes on a day leaving 34 days left remaining in the year
Giants = 34
Church = 34

It is also exactly 1 month and 4 days later, like 14
NFL = 14
the Giants = 140

Also leaves exactly 4 weeks and 6 days left in the year, like 46
Catholic = 46
Michael Strahan’s jersey that was retired was number 92
ninety-two = 46 / 98

From today’s 2021-22 NFL week 12 (11/28/21) to Michael Strahan’s next birthday (11/21/22) is exactly 359 days later

359 is the 72nd prime number
Jesuit Order = 72

the phrase ‘will be back’ is emphasized
will be back = 35
Catholic = 35

This year’s 2021-22 NFL Superbowl LVI (56) will take place in Inglewood, California

From today to Superbowl LVI is exactly 78 days later
New York = 78

It is also 2 months and 17 days away, like 217
New England Patriots = 217

Lastly, this leaves exactly 11 weeks and 1 day away, like 111
New York = 111

92 271 280 307 359 667 980 | Michael Strahan tells fans Giants ‘will be back’ in No. 92 retirement ceremony, November 28, 2021 Read More »

170 197 235 467 613 2239 | At least 1 person injured in Tacoma Mall shooting, November 26, 2021

At least 1 person injured in Tacoma Mall shooting = 170 / 197 / 235 / 467 / 613 / 2239

Tacoma = 17
Kill = 17

197 is the 45th prime number
Geometry = 45
Sheriffs = 45
warfare = 45
Holy Bible = 45

Summer Solstice (left compass) and Winter Solstice (right compass) are angled at 23.5 degrees. The sun ranges 47 degrees between tropics.

23.5 + 23.5 = 47

211 is the 47th prime number

Agent = 47. Authority = 47. Gavel = 47. Government = 47. Judge = 47. Obey = 47
President = 47. Republican = 47. White House = 47. D.C. = 47

Foundation = 47. Framework = 47. Time = 47. Vibration = 47

467 is the 91st prime number
the Society of Jesus = 91

613 is the 112th prime number
Mathematics = 112
Catholicism = 112
the Society of the Perfect = 112

2239 is the 333rd prime number
Royal Arch of Freemasonry = 333
Mafia = 33
Masonry = 33

All unaccompanied juveniles are being brought to the Tacoma Mall Transit Center in the 2100 block of S 48th Street to be picked up.
Freemason = 48

Tacoma police department

the Pierce county Sheriff’s Department

Date numerology: 11/26/2021 = 11+26+2+0+2+1 = 42
PCSD = 42
Freemason = 42
Jesuit = 42

Date numerology: 11/26/2021 = 11+26+21 = 58
Freemasonry = 58

170 197 235 467 613 2239 | At least 1 person injured in Tacoma Mall shooting, November 26, 2021 Read More »

299 | SCE safety outages: Power restored Friday as dangerous fire conditions ease, November 26, 2021

dangerous = 50
wildfire = 50
safety outages = 70
windy conditions = 89
89 is the 24th prime number
windy = 24

Notice the similar Gematria values with the header and the word ‘Masonic’

dangerous fire conditions = 138
prevention = 138
wildfires = 138

299 | SCE safety outages: Power restored Friday as dangerous fire conditions ease, November 26, 2021 Read More »