
18 54 490 1003 | Efforts continue to clean massive spill that closed several O.C. beaches, left birds and marine life covered in oil, October 3, 2021

Video time frame of 04:30, like 43
poisoned = 43.  contaminate = 43. maritime = 43. Civil War = 43


oil spill = 49. nautical miles = 49.  Revelation = 49


City of Huntington Beach = 103.  Beta Operating Company, LLC = 103.  Jesuits = 103
103 is the 27th prime. nautical = 27. health = 27. ritual = 27


Date numerology: 10/3/2021 = 10+3+21 = 34
beaches = 34. pollute = 34

Date numerology: 10/3/2021 = 1+0+3+20+21= 45
oil ritual = 45. oil slick = 45 / 54. Toxic fumes = 45 / 54

Date numerology: 10/3/2021 = 10+3+20+21 = 54
health = 54. nautical = 54. Jesuit Order = 54

The pipeline is connected to an oil platform located about 6 miles offshore known as Elly, which is owned by Houston-based Amplify Energy.

Date numerology: 10/3/2021 = 1+0+3+2+0+2+1 = 18
Elly = 18 / 54.  Masons = 18

18 54 490 1003 | Efforts continue to clean massive spill that closed several O.C. beaches, left birds and marine life covered in oil, October 3, 2021 Read More »

187 223 | Oil spill: What is Beta Offshore and what does it do?, October 3, 2021

187 is known as the California homicide code
Ancient mystery religions = 187. Freemasonic orders = 187. Fraternal Order of Police = 187 Society of Jesus = 187
Time = 187

Masonic = 223

Long Beach-based Beta Offshore Operating Co., LLC, a subsidiary of Amplify Energy, is one of the largest oil producers in Southern California, according to the Long Beach Chamber of Commerce.

Beta Operating Company, LLC Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement

Amplify Energy

187 223 | Oil spill: What is Beta Offshore and what does it do?, October 3, 2021 Read More »

103 124 173 | Huntington Beach Officials Cancel Oct. 3 Pacific Airshow Citing Oil Spill + Maritime Law tribute, October 3, 2021

change = 124. disorder = 124

The 17.3-mile San Pedro Bay pipeline extends both onshore and offshore from Platform Ella to a pumping station in Long Beach.
San Pedro  = 124


173 is the 40th prime number.   pipeline = 40


Contact: Barbara Caruso


This cancellation came on a Sunday, October 3, 2021, (10/3 or 3/10)
City of Huntington Beach = 103
103 is the 27th prime number
emanated = 27. nautical = 27. health = 27. ritual = 27

103 124 173 | Huntington Beach Officials Cancel Oct. 3 Pacific Airshow Citing Oil Spill + Maritime Law tribute, October 3, 2021 Read More »

370 | Pacific Airshow roars through the skies over Huntington Beach this weekend, October 2, 2021

Video time frame of 03:18, like 318

7 divided by 22 equals 0.318, 18 repeating, the reverse of 22/7 = 3.14 ~ Pi, (the inverse of Pi in other words here, regression)

Los Angeles = 37

oil and gas = 37

370 | Pacific Airshow roars through the skies over Huntington Beach this weekend, October 2, 2021 Read More »

33 90 201 210 229 313 432 929 5490 | Disaster relief sought as major oil spill closes beaches, kills wildlife in Huntington Beach + Maritime Law tribute, October 2, 2021


313 is the 65th prime number
Coronavirus = 65. Pandemic = 65
Prophesize = 65. Philadelphia = 65


929 is the 158th prime number

This happened in Orange County.


The oil emanated from a facility operated by Beta Offshore, and likely was caused by a pipeline leak.

234 = 234 + 432 = 666 (Prophecy)
216 = 6 x 6 x 6 = 666 (Prophecy)


The title for this article adds up to 317
317 looks like the word ‘ LIE ‘ upside down

317 is the 66th prime number
Mankind = 66. misconceptions = 66. misdirection = 66. polarization = 66
secret societies = 66


Look at the shared gematria values between ‘toxic area’ and ‘Freemason’






Platforms Operated by Beta Operating Company, LLC



This Southern California pipeline leak happened on Saturday, October 2, 2021, date written (10/2 or 2/10)


Platform Elly is a oil Processing Facility

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife = 201.
   the Jesuit Order = 201

crude oil production = 102. oil spill rituals = 102 / 201

the Orange County Coast = 102



This date of the platform Elly oil spill (10/2 or 2/10) date leaves a span of 90 days left remaining in the year.

The slick, which was first reported on Saturday afternoon, is thought to come from a pipeline leak connected to an offshore oil platform known as Elly and seeped into nearby Huntington Beach, including in Talbert Marsh, which is home to about 90 species of birds, according to the Huntington Beach Wetlands Conservancy.

oil slick = 90
ninety = 33
polluted = 33
marine = 33
Masonry = 33
Mafia = 33
Police = 33

Date numerology:  10/2/2021 = 10+2+21 = 33

Date numerology: 10/2/2021 = 1+0+2+2+0+2+1 = 44

military = 44
toxic fume = 44
toxicity = 44
Kill = 44

This also leaves a span of 2 months and 29 days remaining in the year.
species of birds = 229
black globules = 229
offshore oil platform = 229

229 is the 50th prime number
pipeline  = 50
oil spill = 50
emergency  = 50

America = 50
broadcasting = 50
naval = 50

Lastly, this leaves a span of 12 weeks and 6 days, much like 126
oil slick = 126
oil ritual = 126
this was a 126,000-gallon oil spill from an offshore rig



Near the bottom of the articles, past events of related occurrences are documented below.

On the afternoon of Feb. 7, 1990, the oil tanker American Trader ran over its anchor in relatively shallow water off Huntington Beach, spilling nearly 417,000 gallons of crude and fouling popular beaches along the Orange County coast. The oil killed fish and about 3,400 birds. The cleanup was completed on April 3., (4/3 or 3/4)
pollute = 34
Murder = 34
poisoned = 43
contaminate = 43
maritime = 43
Civil War = 43

From the last oil tanker spill in Huntington Beach (2/7/90) to the date of the platform Elly Beta Operating Company, LLC oil spill (10/2/21) is a span of 11,560 days


33 90 201 210 229 313 432 929 5490 | Disaster relief sought as major oil spill closes beaches, kills wildlife in Huntington Beach + Maritime Law tribute, October 2, 2021 Read More »

93 211 788 | California enacts law to strip badges from bad officers, September 30, 2021

deceiving = 78. decision = 78. Genesis = 78
Euclid’s forty seven = 78


211 is the 47th prime number


Article published September 30, 2021, date written 9/30 or 30/9

Euclid’s forty seven = 93

Strip power from local law enforcement, only to be superseded by the soon to come global law enforcement.

93 211 788 | California enacts law to strip badges from bad officers, September 30, 2021 Read More »

58 190 311 770 | Bay Area anchor Frank Somerville reportedly ‘suspended indefinitely’ by KTVU, September 25, 2021


police officer = 77. police department = 77. shadow government 77. Power = 77


311 is the 64th prime number
America = 64. Israel = 64. Zion = 64.  Synagogue of Satan = 64



Frank Somerville is an American journalist news anchor for the Oakland KTVU area.

From Frank Somerville’s birthday (3/18/21) to the date of this article publication (9/25/21) is a span of 190 days, like 19

Metonic cycle is a period of approximately 19 years after which the phases of the moon recur at the same time of the year.
Cycles end at 19, ie. 9/11 then Covid-19
Kobe Bryant played basketball in the NBA for 19 years
Tom Brady was the quarterback for the New England Patriots for 19 years before moving on to the current Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
Nineteen = 41 (the ‘King’ number)

A span of 6 months and 6 days, like 66
homicide = 66. indefinitely = 66. journalism = 66
secret societies = 66

Lastly, a span of 27 weeks and 1 day, much like 271
271 is the 58th prime number
Bay Area anchor = 58.  lopsided focus = 58

58 190 311 770 | Bay Area anchor Frank Somerville reportedly ‘suspended indefinitely’ by KTVU, September 25, 2021 Read More »