Melvin Van Peebles dead at the age of 89, 89 is the 11th prime number
seeing the ‘King’ number here in this publication
From Melvin Van Pebbles birthday (8/21/21) to his death (9/21/21) is exactly 32 days
unnatural = 32
There is a word that is used to describe darker skinned tone type people, ‘negro’
Below that you will observe on the bottom right hand corner that from Melvin’s birthday to his death is exactly 4 weeks and 4 days, like 44
From Melvin’s day of death (9/21/21) leaves exactly 102 days remaining in the year . . . real kick in the gut there . . .
102 utilizing the reverse ordinal cipher sums to the most hateful word to the African American black man, ‘Nigger’
September 21st, 2021 also leaves exactly 3 months and 11 days left, much like 311, 311 being the 64th prime number
American = 64. Israel = 64. Zion = 64. Synagogue of Satan = 64
Lastly, on the bottom right hand corner, you will see Sept. 21 leaves exactly 14 weeks and 4 days, very much like 144
Melvin Van Peebles