August 23, like 8/23 or 23/8
823 is the 143rd prime number. Scottish Rite of Freemasonry = 143
government = 52. prophecy = 52. Catholic-Jesuit = 56. Freemasons = 56
This “Praedciate Evangelium” is on September 1st, 2022, leaving *122 days left in the year
*the Holy See = 122
This also leaves exactly 4 months left in the year
the Holy See = 40
*September 1st, written out as 9/1 or 1/9
the Society of Jesus = 91
Chaos = 19
It is also leaves exactly 17 weeks and 3 days remaining, like 173
173 is the 40th prime number
the Holy See = 40
The Apostolic Constitution Praedicate Evangelium on the Roman Curia and its service to the Church and to the World, promulgated by the Holy Father Francis, 19 March 2022, (3/19 or 19/3)
the Holy Father Francis = 319
Freemasonic = 319
Masonic = 319 (Satanic)
Apostolic Constitution “Praedicate Evangelium”
From the Apostolic Constitution Praedicate Evangelium promulgation by the Holy Father Francis, 19 March 2022 (3/19/22) to the Pope’s rescript (8/23/22) is exactly 158 days later
Freemasonry = 158
It is also 5 months and 5 days later, much like 55
the Jesuits = 55
Psychology = 55
Saint Ignatius = 55
Hiram abiff = 55 / 73
It is also exactly 22 weeks and 4 days later, like 224
the Society of Jesus = 224
Pope Francis is the current, 266th pope of the Vatican church.
According to Francis’ rescript, financial and liquid assets held in banks other than the IOR must be moved to the Vatican bank within 30 days of Sept. 1, 2022.
From Pope Francis’ birthday (12/17/21) to the start of Praedicate Evangelium (9/1/22) is exactly 259 days away
Roman Catholicism = 259
It is also 8 months and 16 days later exactly, like 816
the Jesuits = 816
Coadjutor = 816
Lastly this leaves exactly 37 weeks
the Jesuits = 37
The Pope’s rescript, issued Aug. 23, clarifies the interpretation of a paragraph in the new constitution of the Roman Curia, Praedicate Evangelium
August 23, 2022
Date written as 8/23 or 23/8
Date numerology: 8/23/2022 = 8+23+2+0+2+2 = 37
back to Pope Francis’ birthday (12/17/22) is exactly 108 days later
Freemasonic = 108
It is also exactly 3 months and 17 days later, like 317
317 looks like the word ‘ LIE ‘ upside down
317 is the 66th prime number
Mankind = 66. misconceptions = 66. misdirection = 66. polarization = 66
secret societies = 66
Bottom right hand corner shows exactly 15 weeks and 3 days later, like 153
Catholics = 153
Jesuit Order = 153
Holy Bible = 153
the Golden Ratio = 153
153 miraculous catch of fish in the Bible.
Catholics = 153. Holy Bible = 153. Jesuit Order = 153. the Golden Ratio = 153
Fabricated = 42. History = 42. Knowledge = 42. Math = 42. War = 42. Zionism = 42. Freemason = 42. G = 42
Saturn, the keeper of time, sums to 42
Arturo Sosa is the Black Pope, who serves as the superior general of the Society of Jesus.
the Institute for Works of Religion
From the Black Pope Arturo Sosa’s birthday (11/12/21) to the Praedicate Evangelium (9/1/22) is exactly 294 days later
the Catholic Church = 294
Jesuit = 294 (Satanic)
Observe the 9 months and 21 days later, like 921
the worshipful master = 921 (aka. the Pope)
Jah Bul On = 921
JAH (the first syllable) represents the name of Yahweh or Jehovah, the name of the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.
This name is so highly revered that it appears only a few times in the Authorized Version (1611), as in Psalm 68:4 and in the use of the word, Hallelujah, which means “Praise Jah!”
BUL (the second syllable) represents the name of Ba’al or Bel.
This name of the god of Jezebel and Ahab, perhaps the most wicked couple ever to sit on the throne of Israel (I Kings 16:29-33).
ON (the third syllable) represents the name of the Egyptian sun god.
It is the name of his sacred city, Heliopolis, (city of the sun in Greek) in Egypt. (Genesis 41:45, 50) That is the god of Pharaoh!
It is also exactly 42 weeks later, (scroll up for the 42’s)
the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR) = IOR
IOR = 42
financial = 42
Saturn = 42
two zero one = 42
Date numerology: 9/30/22 = 9+3+0+20+22 = 54
rescript = 54
Freemasonic = 54
Catholics = 54
Jesuit Order = 54
back to the Superior General Arturo Sosa’s birthday this year of 2022 (11/12/22) is exactly 73 days later
The Pope’s rescript, issued Aug. 23, clarifies the interpretation of a paragraph in the new constitution of the Roman Curia, Praedicate Evangelium
August 23, 2022
Date written as 8/23 or 23/8
Date numerology: 8/23/2022 = 8+23+20+22 = 73
Vatican bank = 73
Pope’s rescript = 73
Mason = 73
73 is the 21st prime number
Jesuit =21
Saturn = 21
*We’ll see this number, 21, again later
It is also exactly 2 months and 12 days later, like 212
the Pope’s rescript = 212
disinformation = 212
the Society of Jesus (SJ) = 212
Observe the bottom right hand corner of an exact 10 weeks and 3 days later, much like 103
Jesuits = 103
103 is the 27th prime number
IHS = 27
Sosa = 27
Ritual = 27
According to Francis’ rescript, all financial and liquid assets held in banks other than the IOR must be moved to the Vatican bank within 30 days of Sept. 1, 2022.
End of September is the thirtieth, date written out as 9/30 or 30/9
Saturn = 93
From Arturo Sosa’s previous birthday (11/12/21) to the end of the month of the Praedicate Evangelium (9/30/22) is a span of 322 days later
Military Industrial Complex = 322
322 is the reflection of 223
Masonic = 223
It is also a span of 10 months and 18 days later, like 1018, like 1,018, like 118
financial institute = 118
Jesuitism = 118
Death = 118
Bottom right hand corner shows a span of 46 weeks exactly
the Holy See = 46 (Septenary)
Catholic = 46
From the Predicate Evangelium (9/30/22) to Arturo Sosa’s birthday (11/12/22) is a span of 43 days later
assets = 43
Jesuitize = 43
Freemasons = 43
Masonic = 43
It is also a span of 1 month and 13 days later, like 113
The Pope’s rescript, issued Aug. 23, clarifies the interpretation of a paragraph in the new constitution of the Roman Curia, Praedicate Evangelium
Roman Curia = 113
113 is also the 30th prime number
Jesuit = 30
Lastly, this leaves a span of 6 weeks and 1 day later, like 61
Freemasons = 61
Roman Catholics = 61
Time = 61
*Date numerology: 9/30/2022 = 9+30+22 = 61
61 is the 18th prime number
IHS = 18
Money = 18
*Date numerology: 9/30/2022 = 9+3+0+2+0+2+2 = 18
Time also sums to 201 in the reverse Satanic cipher
Apostolic Constitution Praedicate Evangelium = 201
the Jesuit Order = 201
Heliocentrism = 201
201, 0 can be viewed as a place holder as it carries no value, thus, 21
The 21st prime number is 73, which we saw earlier
Jesuit = 21
Saturn = 21