130 404 406 733 1063 | Lawmaker urges new probe after Army closes investigation of Chino soldier’s slaying, October 19, 2021


The victim’s first name is Enrique.  Enrique = 44
Execution = 44



406 . . . like 46 . . .  body = 46. Catholic = 46. Sacrifice = 46.    The 46th prime number is 199


1063 . . . almost looks like 163,    163 is the 38th prime number.   Death =38
1063 is the 179th prime number179 is the 41st prime number.    41 is the ‘King’ number
41 is also the 13th prime . . .

Enrique Roman-Martinez Gematria


Today’s announcement of the U.S. Army closing it’s investigation into the killing of a paratrooper, Enrique Roman-Martinez, 21, of Chino, California whose head was found severed from his body comes on a Tuesday, October 19, 2021

This leaves exactly 74 days left remaining in the year
cross = 74. English = 74. Gematria = 74. Jesus = 74. Jewish = 74
Killing = 74. Parables = 74. Masonic = 74

This also leaves exactly 2 months and 13 days left in the year
Death = 213

Lastly, a remainder of exactly 10 weeks and 4 days are left, like 104
(104 . . . like 10-4 . . the law enforcement ten-code that is used to communicate with one another;
acknowledged, affirmative, message received etc.
Acknowledged  also equals 104)




Killing of Fort Bragg paratrooper Spc. Enrique Roman-Martinez remains unsolved a year later = 419 / 445
United States Army Criminal Investigation Division ritual blood sacrifice = 419
The U.S. Army  = 445

From the day Enrique Roman-Martinez went missing (5/23/20) to today’s U.S. Army Criminal Investigation close (10/19/21) is a span of 73 weeks and 3 days, like 733
733 is the 130th prime number
The U.S. Army = 130