337 is the 68th prime number
(by tradition coffins are lowered into their graves which are 6 feet deep by 8 feet long, like 68, like the term ’86ed’)
From Colin Powell’s birthday (4/8/21) to today’s day of his death (10/18/21) is a span of 196 days
Counterclockwise = 196
Masonic ritualism = 196
Masonic ritual = 196
the Old World Order = 196
96 is the reverse of 69
Date numerology: 10/18/2021 = 10+18+20+21 = 69
immune response = 69
It is also a span of 6 months and 13 days, like 613
613 is the 112th prime number
the Society of the Perfect = 112
Mathematics = 112
Fate = 112
Lastly, this leaves a span of 28 weeks
Tisha B’Av = 28
Thelema = 28
28 weeks is equivalent to 27 weeks and 7 days, like 277
277 is the 59th prime number
complications = 59
Freemasonry = 59
Kill = 59
Dead at the age of 84
states = 84
United States of America = 84
Masonry = 84
Jesuit = 84
the Jesuit Order = 84
Dead on October 10/18/2021, date written 10/18 or 18/10
Death = 118