Paul Barratt dead at the age of 77
police officer = 77. police department = 77. Power = 77
Paul Barratt was a senior Australian public servant and policymaker. He was Chairman of Australia21, Chairman of UNE Foundation and President of Australians for War Powers Reform.
Paul Barratt’s full name is Paul Hunter Barratt
From Paul Barratt’s birthday (3/19/21) to the day of his death (10/2/21) is a span of 197 days
one of the harshest critics of the war in Iraq = 197
197 is the 45th prime number
communicate = 45. servant = 45. critics = 45. Iraq = 45
Geometry = 45. Holy Bible = 45
It is also a span of 6 months and 13 days, like 613
613 is the 112th prime number
theater = 112. conflicting = 112. democratise = 112
This also leaves a span of 28 weeks and 1 day, like 281
281 is the 60th prime number
square and compass = 60. Police = 60
From the day of Paul Barratt’s death (10/2/21) to the end of the year leaves a span of 90 days
ninety = 33. serve = 33. Powers = 33
federal = 33. Masonry = 33. Mafia = 33. Police = 33
Date numerology: 10/2/2021 = 10+2+21 = 33
a span of 2 months and 29 days, like 229
229 is the 50th prime number
Paul = 50
Lastly, this leaves a span of 12 weeks and 6 days, like 126
war reform = 126