56 313 709 | From ‘sizzling to ho-hum’: How Delta cooled California’s economic outlook, September 29, 2021


709 is the 127th prime number
Assassinate = 127
127 is the 31st prime number
fall = 31. killer = 31. script = 31. silence = 31


313 is the 65th prime number

65 is the reverse of 56

UCLA predicts gross domestic product will grow this year at 5.6%, down from the 7.1% rate forecast in June.
Prophetic = 56

Washington D.C. = 56

vaccine resistance = 71

It expects the economy to expand by 4.1% next year, down from the 5% anticipated earlier.
economic  = 41. U.S. Economy = 41. resistance = 41

Date numerology: 9/29/2021 = 9+29+21 = 59
Kill = 59

Date numerology: 9/29/2021 = 9+29+2+0+2+1 = 43

Date numerology: 9/29/2021 = 9+29+20+21 = 79