video time frame of 00:37. Killed = 37. Jesuitical = 37. the Jesuits = 37
Catholic = 35. Masonry = 350
Silenced = 35
Killed = 37. Jesuitical = 37. the Jesuits = 37
Phil Saviano
From Phil Saviano’s birthday to his death today (11/28/21) is a span of 158 days later, 159 counting the end date
Freemasonry = 158
New Testament = 159
Resurrection = 159
Scottish Rite = 159
It is also a span of 5 months and 5 days away, like 55, 56 counting the end date
the Jesuits = 55
Eliminate = 56
Mass = 56
Freemasons = 56
Jesuitize = 56
Jesuitized = 56
Society of Jesus = 56
It is also a span of 22 weeks and 4 days later, like 224
the Society of Jesus = 224
Date numerology: 11/28/2021 = 11+28 = 39
Masonry = 39
Date numerology: 11/28/2021 = 11+28+2+0+2+1 = 44
Kill = 44
Date numerology: 11/28/2021 = 11+28+21 = 60
Roman Catholic = 60
Dead at the age of 69 . . .
This was in Massachusetts
the Jesuit Order = 69