675 684 2205 | Kyle Beach, former Chicago Blackhawks player at center of investigation into sexual assault allegations, October 27, 2021






The phrase ‘feeling of relief and vindication’ was emphasized.
feeling of relief and vindication = 156 / 174
thirty-three = 156
Mafia = 33
Masonry = 33
secret societies = 174

Kyle Beach


From Kyle Beach’s birthday (1/13/21) to the day of his reveal (10/27/21) is exactly 288 days
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite = 288

It is also a span of 9 months and 14 days, like 914
the Jesuit World Order = 914

It is also exactly 41 weeks and 1 day, like 411
Freemason = 411. Assassin = 411 Recall that JFK was supposedly shot from 411 Elm Street

From the announcement to Kyle Beach’s birthday is a span of 78 days
the Jesuit Order = 78
Jesuit = 78

If you count that end date, it’s 79 days exactly
Society of Jesus = 79
79 is the 22nd prime number
Jesuits = 22

Counting the end date, it is also exactly 2 months and 18 days later, 218
Death = 28

Lastly, there leaves a span of 11 weeks and 1 day, like 111
the Jesuit World Order = 111

I wasn’t going to decode this story when I first heard about it earlier a couple days ago. Situations deem a decode.