Norodom Ranariddh
The National United Front for an Independent, Neutral, Peaceful and Cooperative Cambodia, commonly referred to as FUNCINPEC is a royalist political party in Cambodia.
From Norodom Ranariddh’s birthday (1/2/21) to his death today (11/28/21) is exactly 331 days later
331 is the 67th prime number
FUNCIPEC Party = 67
Sacrificed = 67
Freemasonry = 67
67 is the 19th prime number
Masonic = 19 (Septenary)
It is also exactly 10 month and 27 days later, like 1027, 127
Assassinate = 127
Dead at the age of 77
Ranariddh = 77
Power = 77
police department = 77
military order = 77
shadow government = 77
Judaism = 77
September eleventh = 77
Date numerology: 11/28/201 = 11+28+2+0+2+1 = 44
Kill = 44
Date numerology: 11/28/2021 = 11+28+21 = 60
Roman Catholic = 60