61 69 95 224 116 231 283 511 | California education reformer Marion Joseph dies at 95, Order of the Eastern Star ritual sacrifice, March 27, 2022


Marion Joseph died at 95 years of age.

The 95 Theses Martin Luther nailed on the church door at Wittenburg.
The Society of Jesus’s birthday is September 27, the day leaving 95-days left in the year.


*The cause of death has yet to be announced.

Marion Joseph



Order of the Jesuits = 82
Royal Arch Degree = 82

Marion = 70
Roman Catholics = 70

Marion Joseph died on the 83rd day of the year.
Murder = 38 / 83

83 is the reflection of 38
Education = 38

It was also on the 2nd month, 24th day of the year, like 224

the Society of Jesus = 224

Marion Joseph also died on the 11th week and 6th day of the year, like 116

the Order of the Eastern Star = 116
“The presence of Marion Joseph, once nicknamed the “the Paul Revere of the Reading Wars,” could be likened to a gale-force-strength wind in California education circles”
“gale-force-strength wind” = 116

Note also that Marion died on a ‘Thursday’

Thursday = 116

Marion Joseph died leaving exactly 283 days left remaining in the year

*(Tomorrow will be March 28, 2022, date written 3/28 or 28/3. This death comes days prior to this date.)

283 is the 61st prime number
Church = 61
News = 61
Roman Catholics = 61
61 is the 18th prime number
Masonry = 18 (Septenary)
Masons = 18

Also leaves 9 months and 8 days left remaining, 98

Bottom right hand corner displays 40 weeks and 3 days left in the year, like 403
Jesuited = 403
Freemasons = 43

Marion Joseph was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., on October 14, 1926.


From Marion Joseph’s birthday (10/14/21) to the day of her death (3/24/22) is exactly 162 days later
the Order of the Eastern Star sacrifice = 162

IHS = Iesus Hominum Salvator

It is also exactly 5 months and 11 days later, like 511
Jesuitical = 511

Saturn = 511

This leaves exactly 23 weeks and 1 day left, like 231

Order of the Eastern Star ritual sacrifice = 231

231 is the 21st Triangular number, as well as the 11th Hexagonal number


Date numerology: 3/24/2022 = 3+24+22 = 49
curriculum = 49
revelation = 49

Date numerology: 3/24/2022 = 3+2+4+20+22 = 51

literacy = 51

Date numerology: 3/24/2022 = 3+24+20+22 = 69

the Jesuit Order = 69

Saturn = 69


Another ritual sacrifice for the Order of the Eastern Star