“a Toyota Land Cruiser Prado had blown up”
Toyota Land Cruiser Prado = 112
Catholicism = 112
Darya Dugina is the daughter of Aleksandr Dugin, the man who wrote the playbook for the Russian foreign policy.
Daughter of Putin Propagandist Killed in Car Bombing Outside Moscow, Reports Say = 327 / 1014
Kremlin = 327 (Satanic)the Russian Federation = 114
From Aleksandr Dugin’s birthday (1/7/22) to the car bomb death of his daughter Darya Dugina (8/20/22) is exactly 226 days later
the Roman Catholic Church = 226
two hundred twenty six = 93
a geopolitical book = 93
Saturn = 93
It is also 7 months and 14 days later, like 714
Foundation = 714 (Sumerian)
Obituaries = 714 (Sumerian)
Star of David = 714 (Sumerian)
Anarchy = 714 (reverse Sumerian)
Vatican = 714 (reverse Sumerian)
Jesuitize = 714 (reverse Sumerian)
Explosions = 714 (Jewish)
Observe the bottom right hand corner displaying 32 weeks and 2 days later, like 322
Military Industrial Complex = 322
322 is the reflection of 223
Masonic = 223
Twitter post made at 3:22 PM
Date numerology: 8/20/2022 = 8+20+2+0+2+2 = 34
Murder = 34
Date numerology: 8/20/2022 = 8+2+0+20+22 = 52
Russian = 52
government = 52
prophecy = 52
Date numerology: 8/20/2022 = 8+20+20+22 = 70
Star of David = 70
Darya Dugina Gematria
Aleksandr Dugin Gematria
Project Lakhta is the code name of the operation by the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 election and spread misinformation in the US via social media
From Darya Dugina’s car bomb explosion death (8/20/22) to Aleksandr Dugin’s next birthday (1/7/23) is a span of 140 days
Aleksandr Dugin = 140
Project Lakhta = 140
Date numerology: 8/20/2022 = 8+20+22 = 50
Project Lakhta = 50
Jesuits = 50