283 is the 61st prime number
inquisitor = 61
In the game of football, a player is either running with the ball or passing the ball.
337 is the 68th prime number
(by tradition coffins are lowered into their graves which are 6 feet deep by 8 feet long, like 68, like the term ’86ed’)
killed = 68. Italy = 68
*There was a school shooting earlier today at Timbermaw High school in Arlington, Texas.
The header matches this article’s gematria
(You can find the article posted earlier)
383 is the 76th prime number
America = 76 (Francis Bacon cipher). Liberated = 76
Date numerology today of article publication: 10/6/2021 = 10+6+21 = 37
Sports = 37. Los Angeles = 37
Date numerology today of article publication: 10/6/2021 = 10+6+2+21 = 57
sleep = 57. Rams = 57. Superbowl LVI = 57. Rome = 57