Live updates: Flash Flood Warning issued for Los Angeles County= 641
641 is the 116th prime number
thunderstorm warnings = 116
Article published on the 55th day of the year, span of 54
gusty winds = 55. flash floods = 54
exactly 1 month and 24 days, like 124
Jesuit motto “ad majorium dei glorium” – translation: “for the greater glory of god”
ad majorium dei glorium = 124
exactly 7 weeks and 6 days, much like 76
thunderstorms = 76
winter storm = 69
Date numerology: 2/24/2023 = 2+24+20+23 = 69
Date is Friday, February 24, 2023, date written 2/24 or 24/2
the Society of Jesus = 224
winds = 24
outage = 24
i spy . . a lot of 24’s . .