401 is the 79th prime number
disobey = 79
79 is the 22nd prime number
Master = 22
*Hunt, who scored 285 goals in 492 appearances for Liverpool, died peacefully at his home on Monday following a long illness, said the English club in a statement on its website.
285 + 492 = 777 (Order out of Chaos)
Roger Hunt was an English professional footballer. Hunt was a member of the England national team which won the 1966 FIFA World Cup
From Roger Hunt’s last birthday (7/20/21) to the day of his death (9/27/21) is a span of 9 weeks and 6 days
When you count the end date, it is exactly 10 weeks. 10 weeks is equivalent to 9 weeks and 7 days, like 97
97 is the 25th prime number. Death = 25
Dead at the age of 83
Roger Hunter
401, like 41 when you apply the rules of numerology and drop the 0
Date numerology: 9/27/2021 = 9+27+2+0+2+1 = 41
41 . . . is known as the ‘King’ number. King = 41