307 is the 63rd prime number
the mafia = 63
Tommy Kirk was an American actor, best known for his performances in films such as Old Yeller, The Shaggy Dog, Swiss Family Robinson, The Absent-Minded Professor, and The Misadventures of Merlin Jones of the mid-1960s.
Tommy Kirk
From Tommy Kirk’s last birthday (12/10/20) to the day of his death (9/28/21) is exactly 293 days
293 is the 62nd prime number
Mason = 62. the Jesuits = 62
It is also exactly 9 months and 19 days, much like 919
919 is the 157th prime number
157 is the 37th prime number
Clockwise = 37. Perfect = 37. Los Angeles = 37. the Jesuits = 37
Date numerology of Tommy Kirk death: 9/28/2021 = 9+28+21 = 58
secret society = 58. Roman society = 58. Rosicrucian = 58. Freemasonry = 58
Date numerology of Tommy Kirk death: 9/28/2021 = 9+28+2+0+2+1 = 42
as scripted = 42. Female = 42. History = 42. Knowledge = 42. Math = 42
Sin = 42. War = 42. Zionism = 42
Freemason = 42. G = 42. Jesuit = 42
Tommy Kirk dead at the age of 79
Assassination = 79. the Synagogue of Satan = 79
79 is the 22nd prime number
Freemason and Jesuit fingerprints all over this Tommy Kirk death.