21 231 48 408 411 480 1092 | L.A. to require COVID vaccine proof for indoor restaurants, gyms, malls in one of nation’s strictest mandates, October 6, 2021

Video time frame of 02:31, like 231
231 is the 21st triangular number

blood = 21. Bible = 21. Saturn = 21. Jesuit = 21
Conflict = 231. Day of Reckoning = 231. Constitutional law = 231. waive their rights = 231
Checkerboard = 231. Masonic cabal = 231. law and disorder = 231. organized crime = 231. secret societies = 231. Ignatius of Loyola = 231

here currently in the year of 2021   evil = 21. hoax = 21

Date numerology: 10/6/2021 = 10+6+2+0+2+1 = 21



The Mayor of LA Twitter account posted a tweet / post signing an ordinance which was uploaded at 4:11 PM
not normal = 411. compromised = 411. reckoning = 411
knowledge = 411. numerical = 411

Freemason = 411. Assassin = 411

Recall that JFK was supposedly shot from 411 Elm Street


Constitutional = 192


Date numerology: 10/6/2021 = 10+6+21 = 37

Date numerology: 10/6/2021 = 10+6+20+21 = 57


Freemason = 48. Jesuit ritual = 48. Holy League = 48


artillery = 48

Date numerology: 10/6/2021 = 1+0+6+20+21 = 48

*Ciphers linked here for those interested: https://ltvfye.com/gematria/

Like a frog in a boiling pot, slowly but surely the pressure increases as the temperature rises but it has no clue why.

How much longer until the people of this world say “enough is enough” and actually stand up for themselves?