2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), November 13, 2021





“It was ‘top down’ in that every country – no matter how big or small – signed up to cutting carbon emissions to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees and ideally to 1.5 degrees above pre- industrial levels; and it was ‘bottom up’ in that it left room for each individual country to decide how they would get there. These were called Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).”

with the positioning of the numbers, kind of resembles 152.

The powers that should not be keeps shoving the numbers 15 & 2 in the publication, like 152


Why 1.5? like 15
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)
NDC = 15


Pandemic = 38

The 26th United Nations Climate Change conference, held at the SEC Centre in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom.
SEC Centre = 38 / 47 / 52



The Vatican will organize a “first-of-its-kind collaboration between multiple faith leaders across all major religions.”

The goal for this “unprecedented” meeting is to “build momentum” in preparation for the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26, which is scheduled to take place from November 1 – 12.

Religious leaders will meet in Rome on October 4, 2021 “to prepare a collective action in response” to the “universal threat” of “climate change”

The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) concluded it’s conference on November 13, 2021, 11/13 or 13/11

emission = 113. global  = 113

COP26 . . . COP . . when people hear the word ‘COP’, automatically they think of law enforcement, power, abuse, scandals, current events etc.

Mason = 26
the Society of Jesus (SJ) = 260

Carbon = 26

26 is the reflection of 62

The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) began on Halloween (10/31/21) leaving exactly 62 days remaining in the year
Global Warming = 62
Mason = 62
the Jesuits = 62

This also leaves exactly 2 months and 1 day left in the year, like 21
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)
NDC = 21
Jesuit = 21

On the bottom right hand corner you will see that this leaves exactly 8 weeks and 6 days left in the year, 86
the Roman Catholic Church = 86 (Septenary)
Jesuits = 86

From the last day of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) (11/13/21) to the end of the year leaves exactly 49 days remaining
The last book of the Bible is the book of Revelation
Revelation = 49

49 is the reflection of 94

food and water shortages = 94
risk of extinction = 94
carbon emissions = 94
Society of Jesus (SJ) = 94
Roman Catholic Church = 94

Below, this also leaves exactly 1 month and 19 days left remaining in the year, 119
All seeing eye = 119. Master plan = 119. Star of David = 119. Jesuitize = 119

The conclusion date also leaves exactly 7 weeks left in the year
7 weeks is equivalent to 6 weeks and 7 days, like 67
carbon emissions = 67
COP twenty-six = 67
Freemasonry = 67
Sacrificed = 67

The October 4 event is called “Faith and Science”
Faith and Science = 67

Faith and Science: Towards COP26 = 111 / 141
the Jesuit World Order = 111
IHS = 141

United Nations Climate Change Conference COP26

The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) took place in Glasgow, Scotland


COP twenty-six = 58
Society of Jesus (SJ) = 58
Freemasonry = 58

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) = 560
Climate Change = 56
Jesuitize = 56
Society of Jesus = 56

Ionosopheric Research Instrument (IRI)
IRI’s = 55
the Jesuits = 55
Glasgow, Scotland = 55

Date numerology: 11/13/2021 = 1+1+1+3+20+21 = 47

Agent = 47. Authority = 47. Gavel = 47. Government = 47. Judge = 47. Obey = 47
Mafia = 47. President = 47. Republican = 47. White House = 47. D.C. = 47. Jesuitized = 47

Foundation = 47. Framework = 47. Time = 47. Vibration = 47

NDC = 47

Date numerology: 11/13/2021 = 11+13+21 = 45
severe heat = 45
Climate = 45
IRI = 45
Holy Bible = 45
IHS = 45

Date numerology: 11/13/2021 = 11+13+2+0+2+1 = 29
Change = 29
Fire = 29
Masonic = 29

 181 is the 42nd prime number
G = 42. History = 42. Knowledge = 42. Math = 42. War = 42. Zionism = 42
Masonry = 42. Freemason = 42. Jesuit = 42