Nineteen = 41. The car that was supposedly driven that was involved in an accident was a Subaru. Subaru = 19
The 19th prime number is 41
This happened on October 26, 2021, on a date with 41 numerology
Date numerology = 10+26+2+0+2+1 = 41
This happened on a Tuesday afternoon just before 3 P.M. on 32nd Avenue.
Maryland street = 58 / 67. Sacrificed = 67 / 332
This happened on October 26, 2021, leaving exactly 67 days left in the year
67 is the 19th prime number, a 19-year-old Makenna Smith was reportedly killed
Freemason = 32
Death = 218
Masonic = 223. 223 is the reflection of 322. Military Industrial Complex = 322
461 is the 89th prime number
United States of America = 89. the Jesuit World Order= 89
The 89th prime number is 24. Honda = 24
‘The Accord, which was driven by 19-year-old Makenna Smith, then ricocheted into the Subaru, McNew said.’
Makenna Smith = 47
Agent = 47. Authority = 47. Gavel = 47. Government = 47. Judge = 47. Obey = 47
President = 47. Republican = 47. White House = 47. D.C. = 47
Foundation = 47. Framework = 47. Time = 47. Vibration = 47
The 47th prime number is 211. Honda Accord = 211
Makenna Smith Gematira
Date numerology: 10/26/2021 = 10+2+6+20+21 = 50
Honda Accord = 50 / 86
(by tradition coffins are lowered into their graves which are 6 feet deep by 8 feet long, like 68, like the term ’86ed’)