The date of Willie Garson’s death is September 21, 2021, the 21st
The title of the article adds up to 226. If you spell out two hundred twenty six, you get 93. Saturn ritual. Saturn = 93
Willie Garson’s full birth name is William Garson Paszamant.
Willie Garson dead at the age of 57. Actor = 57
From Willie Garson’s last birthday (2/20/21) to the day of his death (9/21/21) is exactly 7 months and 2 days, like 72
Notice that the date of his death leaves exactly 30 weeks and 4 days, like 304
From Willie Garson’s last birthday (2/20/21) to the day of his death (9/21/21) is a span of 213 days. Death = 213
It is also a span of 7 months and 1 day, like 71
Date numerology: 9/21/2021 = 9+21+20+21 = 71
71 is the reflection of 17
Date numerology: 9/21/2021 = 9+2+1+2+0+2+1 = 17
Lastly, a span of 30 weeks and 3 days, like 33. Masonry = 33
More death by the numbers. There have been a lot of of notable / celebrity figures dying as of late.