165 336 365 948 | SoCal heat wave: A Labor Day of extreme temps, thunderstorms, fears of power supply problems, September 5, 2022



Freemasonry = 948


the National Weather Service (NWS) = 336

potential rolling blackouts = 105


power supply interruption = 365
heat wave = 365 (Satanic)
black out = 365 (Satanic)

Labor Day is on September 5, 2022, 9/5 or 5/9, leaving a span of 16 weeks and 5 days left remaining in the year

hot conditions = 165

power outages = 165

Calculate = 165. Deceiving = 165. Guidelines = 165. Ingredient = 165
Liberation = 165. Predicting = 165. Reflected = 165
Subjectivity = 165. Indoctrination = 165
Solomon’s Seal = 165. the Catholic Church = 165
Father Time = 165

the Catholic Church = 165

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