14 to 27 were killed . . . 14 + 27 = 41 . . (King number, 13th prime)
Date numerology of article: 11/7/2021 = 1+1+7+2+0+2+1 = 14
Dead = 14. Ritual = 27
‘The artist finished at 10:15 PM’ , Killing = 115. Masons = 36
277 is the 59th prime number. Kill = 59
331 is the 67th prime number. Sacrificed = 67
rapper = 34. Church = 34. Murder = 34
rapper = 74. Masonic = 74
Video time frame of 01:03, like 103. Jesuits = 103
103 is the 27th prime number. IHS = 27. Ritual = 27
103 is the reflection of 301, or 13 as to 31
the Houston Police Department (HPD)
Houston, Texas
Today’s date of this Astroworld coverage is November 7, 2021, date written 11/7 or 7/11
Central Intelligence Agency = 117
Travis Scott
From Travis Scott’s birthday (4/30/21) to today’s publishing of the stampede at Astroworld (11/7/21) is a span of 191 days
Assassaination = 191
191 is the 36th prime number
Masons = 36
IHS = 36
It is also a span of 6 months and 8 days, like 68
(by tradition coffins are lowered into their graves which are 6 feet deep by 8 feet long, like 68, like the term ’86ed’)
Today, Nov. 7, 2021 is exactly 44 weeks and 3 days into this year, like 443
443 is the 86th prime number
Lastly, this leaves a span of 27 weeks and 2 days remaining, like 272
Two hundred twenty three = 272
Masonic = 223